姓 名 文兆铖 性 别
出生年月 1992年12月 籍贯 广东深圳市
民 族 汉族 政治面貌 群众
最后学历 博士研究生毕业 最后学位 哲学博士
技术职称 副教授 导师类别 硕导
行政职务 Email ssman6@scut.edu.cn
工作单位 设计学院 邮政编码
文兆铖,副教授,硕士生导师。2015年本科毕业于香港城市大学工业工程及工程管理学专业,随后留校师从陈海寿教授攻读人因工程学博士。2019年博士毕业后,先后在香港城市大学先进设计及系统工程学系及香港理工大学康复治疗科学系任博士后研究员。2022年7月加入华南理工大学设计学院。以第一作者/通讯作者在Safety Science, Journal of Safety Research, Applied Ergonomics, Ergonomics, International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction 等国际高水平SCI/SSCI期刊及EI会议分别发表论文27篇和4篇。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目、广州市科技计划项目、华南理工大学“双一流”建设项目、华南理工大学基本科研业务费项目,参与国家自然科学基金面上项目、教育部“人因与工效学”产学合作协同育人项目、沙特国王大学合作项目、香港巴士公司横向项目、香港特别行政区政府发展局横向项目。


1. 热爱研究、有上进心、严于律己、刻苦耐劳、尊师重道。
2. 具有团队协作精神。
3. 具有良好的逻辑能力。
4. 具有良好的英文读写能力。
5. 乐于学习Unity/Blender/SPSS等软件(根据研究方向)。
6. 有志于读博深造。

1. 悉心指导,竭力培养你的科研能力。
2. 为你发表SCI/SSCI文章助一臂之力。
3. 帮你申请境内/境外/海外博士,助你成为更好的自己!



2023,杰出审稿人奖,国际环境研究与公共健康期刊(International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health)
1. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics (SSCI), 出版社: Elsevier, 2023至今
2. Social Sciences & Humanities Open, 出版社: Elsevier, 2023至今
3. 《丝网印刷》, 出版社: 北京市印刷技术研究所有限公司, 2024.01-2024.12

1. Sustainability (JCR SSCI 2区), 特刊 “ The Intelligent Design of Man-machine Scene for Sustainable Workplace”, 2023。
2. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health Sustainability (JCR SSCI 1区), 特刊 “Human Factors and Ergonomics: Bridging the Gap Between Research and Practice in Occupational Safety and Health”, 2021-2022。
3. Sustainability (JCR SSCI 2区), 特刊 “Professional Behavior Risk Management and Safety Sustainability”, 2021-2022。

1. Safety Science (SCI)
2. Automation in Construction (SCI)
3. Journal of Safety Research (SSCI)
4. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics (SCI/SSCI)
5. Expert Systems with Applications (SCI)
6. Applied Ergonomics (SCI/SSCI)
7. Ergonomics (SCI/SSCI)
8. Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications (SSCI)
9. Behaviour & Information Technology (SCI)
10. Habitat International (SSCI)
11. Ain Shams Engineering Journal (SCI)
12. Journal of Building Engineering (SCI)
13. Risk Management and Healthcare Policy (SCI/SSCI)
14. Sustainability (SCI/SSCI)
15. Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering (SCI/AHCI)
16. Applied Sciences (SCI)
17. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (SCI/SSCI)
18. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information (SCI)
19. Processes (SCI)
20. Displays (SCI)
21. Revista de la Construcción. Journal of Construction (SCI)
22. Current Psychology (SSCI)
23. International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics (SSCI)
24. Heliyon (SCI)
25. Ain Shams Engineering Journal (SCI)
26. Sports Biomechanics (SCI)
27. Buildings (SCI)
28. Journal of Environmental and Public Health (SCI)
29. Safety (SSCI)
30. Sensors (SCI)
31. Vaccines (SSCI)
32. BMJ Open (SCI)
33. Psychology Research and Behavior Management (SSCI)
34. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control (SCI)
35. Personality and Individual Differences (SSCI)

2022-2024,教育部“人因与工效学”产学合作协同育人项目,主要参与者 (主持:彭露)。
2021-2024,国家自然科学基金面上项目(基于多模态的先进人机系统界面设计:前线索对人类绩效和生理反应的影响研究),第一主要参与者 (主持:陈海寿教授)。
2019-2024,沙特国王大学合作项目(产业工人风险行为的人因、安全与健康综合研究),第一主要参与者 (主持:陈海寿教授)。
2019-2020,香港巴士公司横向项目(开发公交车司机能力测试),第一主要参与者 (主持:陈海寿教授)。
2015-2019,香港特别行政区政府发展局横向项目(香港建筑工人冒险行为研究),第一主要参与者 (主持:陈海寿教授)。
期刊论文 (* 通讯作者)
1. Man, S.S., Chang, F. and Chan, A.H.S., 2024.  Affective Risk Perception Index as a Screening Tool for Construction Workers, Safety Science, 已被接受发表.
2. Man, S.S., Ding, M., Li, X., Chan, A.H.S. and Zhang, T., 2024. Acceptance of Highly Automated Vehicles: The Role of Facilitating Condition, Technology Anxiety, Social Influence and Trust, International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 已被接受发表.
3. Man, S.S., Wen, H. and So, B.C.L., 2023. Are virtual reality applications effective for construction safety training and education? A systematic review and meta-analysis, Journal of Safety Research, 88, 230-243.
4. Man, S.S., Wen, H., Zhao, L. and So, B.C.L., 2023. Role of trust, risk perception, and perceived benefit in COVID-19 vaccination intention of the public, Healthcare, 11(18), 2589.
5. Man, S.S., Lee, W.K.H., Chan, A.H.S. and Tsang, S.N.H., 2023. The Economic and Environmental Evaluations of Combined Heat and Power Systems in Buildings with Different Contexts: A Systematic Review, Applied Sciences, 13(6), 3855.
6. Kang, S.X., Man, S.S.* and Chan, A.H.S., 2023. Investigation on the effects of presentation modality for spatial signals on human performance using a dual task paradigm, Applied Ergonomics, 106,103898.
7. Peng, L., Man, S.S.*, Chan, A.H.S. and Ng, J.Y.K., 2023. Personal, Social and Regulatory Factors Associated with Telecare Acceptance by Hong Kong Older Adults: An Indication of Governmental Role in Facilitating Telecare Adoption, International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 39(5), 1059-1071.
8. So, B.C.L., Hua, C., Chen, T., Gao, Q. and Man, S.S.*, 2022. Biomechanical Assessment of a Passive Back-support Exoskeleton During Repetitive Lifting and Carrying: Muscle Activity, Kinematics, and Physical Capacity, Journal of Safety Research, 83, 210-222.
9. Man, S.S., Guo, Y., Chan, A.H.S. and Zhuang H., 2022. Acceptance of Online Mapping Technology among Older Adults: Technology Acceptance Model with Facilitating Condition, Compatibility, and Self-Satisfaction, ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 11(11), 558.
10. Wong, K.P., Man, S.S.* and Chan, A.H.S., 2022. Subjective Wellbeing and Work Performance among Teachers in Hong Kong during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Does Autonomy Support Moderate Their Relationship?, Sustainability, 14(9), 12092.
11. Man, S.S., Lee, W.K.H., Wong, K.P. and Chan, A.H.S. (2022). Policy Implications for Promoting the Adoption of Cogeneration Systems in the Hotel Industry: An Extension of the Technology Acceptance Mode. Buildings, 12(8), 1247.
12. Man, S.S., Nordin, M., Cheng M.C., Fan, S.M., Lee, S.Y., Wong, W.S. and So, B.C.L., 2022, Effects of passive exoskeleton on trunk and gluteal muscle activity, spinal and hip kinematics and perceived exertion for physiotherapists in a simulated chair transfer task: A feasibility study, International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 90, 103323.
13. Lee, W.K.H., Man, S.S.* and Chan, A.H.S., 2022. Cogeneration system acceptance in the hotel industry: A qualitative study.  Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 51, 339-345.
14. Man, S.S., Yu, R., Zhang, T. and Chan, A.H.S., 2022. How Optimism Bias and Safety Climate Influence the Risk-Taking Behavior of Construction Workers. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(3), 1243.
15. Man, S.S.*, Alabdulkarim, S., Chan, A.H.S. and Zhang, T., 2021. The acceptance of personal protective equipment among Hong Kong construction workers: An integration of technology acceptance model and theory of planned behavior with risk perception and safety climate, Journal of Safety Research, 79, 329-340.
16. Khaday, S., Li, K.W, Man, S.S.* and Chan, A.H.S., 2021. Risky Scenario Identification in a Risk Perception Scale for Construction Workers in Thailand, Journal of Safety Research, 78, 105-114.
17. Wong, T.K.M., Man, S.S.* and Chan, A.H.S., 2021. Exploring the acceptance of PPE by construction workers: An extension of the technology acceptance model with safety management practices and safety consciousness, Safety Science, 139, 105239.
18. Man, S.S., Chan, A.H.S., Alabdulkarim, S. and Zhang, T., 2021. The effect of personal and organizational factors on the risk-taking behavior of Hong Kong construction workers, Safety Science, 136, 105155.
19. Tsang, S.N.H., Chan, A.H.S, Pan, X. and Man, S.S.*, 2020. Auditory versus visual spatial stimulus-response mappings in tracking and discrete dual task performance: implications for human-machine interface design, Ergonomics, 64(4), 485-501.
20. Wong, T.K.M., Man, S.S.* and Chan, A.H.S., 2020. Critical factors for the use or non-use of personal protective equipment amongst construction workers, Safety Science, 126, 104663.
21. Man, S.S., Xiong, W., Chang, F. and Chan, A.H.S., 2020. Critical Factors Influencing Acceptance of Automated Vehicles by Hong Kong Drivers, IEEE Access, 8, 109845-109856.
22. Man, S.S.*, Chan, A.H.S. and Alabdulkarim, S., 2019. Quantification of Risk Perception: Development and Validation of the Construction Worker Risk Perception (CoWoRP) Scale, Journal of Safety Research, 71, 25-39.
23. Low, B.K.L., Man, S.S.*, Chan, A.H.S. and Alabdulkarim, S., 2019. Construction Worker Risk-Taking Behavior Model with Individual and Organizational Factors, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(8), 1335.
24. Lee, F.C.H., Man, S.S.* and Chan, A.H.S., 2019. Effects of magnification modes and location cues on visual inspection performance, PloS One, 14(3), e0213805.
25. Man, S.S.*, Chan, A.H.S. and Wong, H.M., 2017. Risk-Taking Behaviors of Hong Kong Construction Workers - A Qualitative Study, Safety Science, 98, 25-36.
26. Lee, Y.C., Hong, X.Y. and Man, S.S.*, 2023. Prevalence and associated factors of work-related musculoskeletal disorders symptoms among construction workers: a cross-sectional study in South China, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(5), 4653.
27. So, B.C.L., Lau, S.C.T., Kwok, W.Y., Tse, D.H.T. and Man, S.S. (2022). Investigating The Association Between Supraspinatus Tendon Abnormality, Shoulder Pain and Isokinetic Strength in Elite Swimmers: A Cross-Sectional Study. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 22(1), 17-27.
28. Chang, F., Huang, H., Chan, A. H., Man, S. S., Gong, Y. and Zhou, H. (2022). Capturing long-memory properties in road fatality rate series by an autoregressive fractionally integrated moving average model with generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity: A case study of Florida, the United States, 1975–2018. Journal of Safety Research, 81, 216-224.
29. Kwok, M.M., Ng, S.S., Man, S.S. and So, B.C.L., 2022. The effect of aquatic High Intensity Interval Training on cardiometabolic and physical health markers in women: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Exercise Science & Fitness, 20(2), 113-127.
30. Li. Z.M., Man, S.S., Chan, A.H.S. and Zhu, J.F., 2021. Integration of Theory of Planned Behavior, Sensation Seeking, and Risk Perception to Explain the Risky Driving Behavior of Truck Drivers, Sustainability, 13(9), 5214.
31. Li, Z.M., Man, S.S., Chan, A.H.S. and Wang, R., 2021. Driving Anger Scale Validation: Relationship with Aberrant Driving Behavior of Chinese Truck Drivers, Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 81, 364-372.
32. 张然, 文兆铖, 秦华, 王凯晖 和 谢贻东, 2021. 北京市建筑工人个人工作能力影响因素研究, 土木工程与管理学报, 38(3), 161-166.
33. Hoffmann, E.R., Chan, A.H.S., Man, S.S. and Chan, L.C.M., 2019. Determining the validity of the visual field principle for designing control/display arrangements, Applied Ergonomics, 81, 102887.
34. Li, J., Ma, Q., Chan, A.H.S. and Man, S.S., 2019. Health monitoring through wearable technologies for older adults: Smart wearables acceptance model, Applied Ergonomics, 75, 162-169.
35. Low, B.K.L., Man, S.S. and Chan, A.H.S., 2018. The Risk-Taking Propensity of Construction Workers—An Application of Quasi-Expert Interview, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15(10), 2250.

1. Man, N., Man, S.S., Zhang T., Chan W.H. and Chan A.H.S., 2021. Psychological Assessment for Bus Captain Selection. Proceedings of the 21st Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA), Vancouver, pp 106-111.
2. Man, S.S., Ng, J.Y.K. and Chan, A.H.S., 2019. A Review of the Risk Perception of Construction Workers in Construction Safety. Proceedings of the International Conference on Human Systems Engineering and Design: Future Trends and Applications 2019, Munich, vol. 1026, pp. 637-643. (EI论文)
3. Man, S.S., Ng, J.Y.K., Law, K.Y. and Chan, A.H.S., 2019. Aggregate-Level Data Characteristics of Safety Climate with Different Likert-Type Scales. Proceedings of the International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics 2019, Washington D.C., vol. 969, pp. 180-189. (EI论文)
4. Man, S.S., Tsang, S.N.H., Ng, J.Y.K. and Chan, A.H.S., 2018. Mediation Analysis: the Relationship between Safety Climate and Safety Performance among Hong Kong Construction Management Personnel with Technology Acceptance as a Mediator. Proceedings of the 6th Annual International Conference on Architecture and Civil Engineering, Singapore, pp. 443-447.
5. Man, S.S. and Chan, A.H.S., 2018. Influence of Personality and Safety Climate on Risk Perception of Hong Kong Construction Workers. Proceedings of the International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists 2018, Hong Kong, vol. 2, pp. 921-926.
6. Man, S.S., Hoffmann, E., Chan, A.H.S. and Chan, L.C.M., 2018. The Worringham and Beringer Visual Field Principle When Responding with the Right or Left Hand. Proceedings of the International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists 2018, Hong Kong, vol. 2, pp. 927-931.
7. Man, S.S., Dizmen, C., Tsang, S.N.H. and Chan, A.H.S., 2017. Influence of Precue on Spatial Stimulus-Response Compatibility Effect in a Dual-Task Paradigm. Proceedings of the International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists 2017, Hong Kong, vol. 2, pp. 921-926.
8. Dizmen, C., Man, S.S. and Chan, A.H.S., 2015. Influence of Precue on Spatial Stimulus-Response Compatibility Effect in a Dual-Task Paradigm. Proceedings of the International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists 2015, Hong Kong, vol. 2, pp. 953-957.
1. Man, S.S., Tsang S.N.H., Dizmen C. and Chan A.H.S., 2018. Further In-Depth Investigation of Precuing Effect on Tracking and Discrete Dual-Task Performance with Different Spatial Mappings. In: Ao S.I., Kim H., Castillo O., Chan A.H.S. and Katagiri H. (eds), Transactions on Engineering Technologies. IMECS 2017. Springer, Singapore, pp. 31-44.