欢迎对声音、信号处理、主动降噪、语音增强、以扬声器及麦克风阵列技术为基础的声场合成等方向感兴趣的同学报考研究生。有电子、物理、计算机、等背景的同学都欢迎;D 研究方向既有学术深度又紧贴应用,就业形势应语音及声学等消费电子行业需求,势态良好。
1. 国家自然科学基金委员会,青年科学基金项目,6190010038,分布式递归最小二乘算法及其在声场控制系统中的应用,2020-01至2022-12
2. 广东省自然科学基金,2019A1515010771,分布式自适应频域算法及其在MIMO声学信道建模中的应用
3. 广东省自然科学基金,2023A1515012964,风噪环境下小尺寸MIMO声学设备信道建模
4. 上海交通大学机械系统与振动国家重点实验室开放课题,MSV202202,舱室声场合成策略及信号处理算法研究
5. 高密度人居环境生态与节能教育部重点实验室(同济大学)开放课题,2019030105,绿色建筑噪声控制以及分布式RLS噪声消除算法研究
1 Chu YJ, Zhao SP, He LB, and Niu F. 2022. Wind noise suppression in Filtered-x least mean squares based active noise control systems, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Dec.(封面文章).
2 Chu YJ, Wu M, Sun H, Yang J (corresponding author), and Chen M. 2022. Some practical acoustic design and typical control strategies for multichannel active noise control, Appl. Sci., 12(4): 2244.
3 Chu YJ, Chan SC, Zhou Y, and Wu M. 2021. A new diffusion variable spatial regularized LMS algorithm, Signal Process., 188: 108207
4 Zhou Y, Wang H, Chu YJ (corresponding author), and Liu H. 2021. A robust dual-microphone generalized sidelobe canceller using a bone-conduction sensor for speech enhancement, Sensors, 21: 1878–1892
5 褚轶景,麦卓明,蔡陈之,吴鸣. 2021. 一种新型基于分布式FxLMS的主动噪声控制算法与空间平滑, 南京大学学报, 57(4): 683–689.
6 Chu YJ, Chan SC, Zhou Y, and Wu M. 2020. A new parametric adaptive source domain method for sound field synthesis, IEEE Trans. Circ. Syst. II, 67(11):2787-2791
7 Chu YJ, Mak CM, Zhao Y, Chan SC, and M. Wu, 2020. Performance analysis of a diffusion control method for ANC systems and the network design, J. Sound Vib. 475:1–12
8 Chu YJ, Chan SC, Zhou Y, and Wu M. 2020. A new diffusion variable spatial regularized QRRLS algorithm, IEEE Signal Process. Lett., (27):995–999
9 Chu YJ, Mak CM. 2017. A new parametric adaptive nonstationarity detector and application, IEEE Trans. Signal Process., 65(19):5203–14
10 Chu YJ, Mak CM. 2017. A variable forgetting factor diffusion recursive least squares algorithm for distributed estimation. Signal Process. 140:219–25
11 Chu YJ, Mak CM. 2016. A new QR decomposition-based RLS algorithm using the Split Bregman method for L1-regularized problems. Signal Process. 128:303–8
12 * Chan SC, Chu YJ. 2016. A new variable regularized transform domain NLMS algorithm with variable step-size: Acoustic applications and performance analysis. J. Signal Process. Syst. 84(2):181–96
13 Chu YJ, Chan SC. 2015. New local polynomial modeling-based variable forgetting factor RLS algorithm and its acoustic applications. IEEE Trans. Audio, Speech, Lang. Process. 23(11):2059–69
14 Chu YJ. 2015. A new regularized subband ANC algorithm with online secondary-path modeling: Performance analysis and application to buildings. Build. Environ. 94: 873–82
15 * Chan SC, Chu YJ, et al. 2013. A new variable regularized transform domain NLMS adaptive filtering algorithm – Acoustic applications and performance analysis. IEEE Trans. Audio, Speech, Lang. Process. 21:868–78
16 * Chan SC, Chu YJ, et al. 2013. A new variable regularized QR decomposition-based recursive least M-estimate algorithm – Performance analysis and acoustic applications. IEEE Trans. Audio, Speech, Lang. Process. 21:907–22
17 * Chan SC, Chu YJ. 2012. Performance analysis and design of FxLMS algorithm in broadband ANC system with online secondary-path modeling. IEEE Trans. Audio, Speech, Lang. Process., 20:982–93
18 * Chan SC, Chu YJ. 2012. A new state-regularized QRRLS algorithm with variable forgetting factor. IEEE Trans. Circ. Syst. II, 59:183–7
19 Chu YJ, Mak CM. 2009. Early energy decay in two churches in Hong Kong. Appl. Acoust., 70:579–87
20 Chu YJ, Mak CM, et al. 2008. An analytical model to estimate the performance of an indoor barrier at low-medium frequencies. Appl. Acoust., 69:1343–9