姓 名
性 别
民 族
任Science and Technology for the Built Environment期刊副主编和Frontiers of Architectural Research期刊编委,国家自然科学基金通讯评阅人,教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金评审专家,Building and Environment, Energy and Buildings, Indoor Air, International Journal of Biometeorology, Building Research & Information, Building Simulation, ASHRAE Journal,《建筑科学》,《暖通空调》,《土木建筑与环境工程》,《南方建筑》,《生态城市与绿色建筑》等学术期刊评审专家。
主要从事湿热地区建筑热环境与城市微气候研究。主持国家自然科学基金项目5项,参加国家自然科学基金项目4项、国际科技合作项目1项、国家科技支撑计划课题4项。已在国内外学术期刊和会议发表论文160余篇,其中SCI收录31篇,累计他引232次(单篇他引最高52次),EI收录11篇,参编著作3部,参编国家标准4部,申请和授权专利4项。荣获广东省科技进步一等奖、Building and Environment期刊最佳论文奖、中国建筑学会科技进步一等奖。入选教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划和广东省高等学校“千百十工程”省级培养对象。
2017至今 华南理工大学建筑学院 副院长
2013至今 华南理工大学建筑学院 教授,博导
2014.1-6 加州大学伯克利分校建筑学院建筑学院 访问学者
2008-2013 华南理工大学建筑学院 副教授
2006-2008 华南理工大学建筑学院 讲师
2007至今 亚热带建筑科学国家重点实验室 建筑热环境与节能实验室主任
2000-2006 清华大学 建筑环境与设备工程专业 博士
2002-2003 丹麦技术大学 国际室内环境与能源研究中心访问学生
1996-2000 清华大学 建筑环境与设备工程专业 学士
2009 教育部新世纪优秀人才
2012 华南理工大学杰出人才培养计划培养对象
2014 广东省高等学校“千百十人才培养工程”省级培养对象
2015 获2015年度中国建筑学会科技进步一等奖(亚热带地区建筑围护结构防热节能关键技术与应用,排名第5)
2009 获2008年度广东省科技进步一等奖(南方建筑节能技术基础研究,排名第6)
2008 获2008年度Building and Environment(建筑学科国际期刊)最佳论文奖(排名第1)
2017至今 Science and Technology for the Built Environment期刊副主编
2017至今 International Society of Biometeorology(国际生物气象学协会ISB)会员
2017至今 全国暖通空调学会青委会委员
2016至今 中国环境科学学会室内环境与健康分会青年委员会委员
2015至今 中国建筑学会暖通空调分会模拟专业委员会(即IBPSA-China)委员
2015至今 International Association for Urban Climate(国际城市气候学会IAUC)会员
2015至今 Frontiers of Architectural Research期刊编委
2014至今 International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate(国际室内空气品质协会ISIAQ)会员
2011至今 国家自然科学基金通讯评阅人
2010至今 教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金评审专家
2009至今 中国建筑学会建筑物理分会建筑热工与节能专业委员会委员
2008至今 Building and Environment, Energy and Buildings, Indoor Air, International Journal of Biometeorology, Building Research & Information, Building Simulation, ASHRAE Journal, 《暖通空调》, 《建筑科学》,《土木建筑与环境工程》,《南方建筑》,《生态城市与绿色建筑》审稿人
• 建成环境与人体舒适、适应和健康
• 室内空气流动设计、控制与评价
• 城市微气候观测、模拟与规划设计
• 性能导向的建筑与城市参数化设计
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,65万元,51578243,基于遥感的湿热地区城市住区热环境研究,201601-201912,主持
2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,36万元,50978102,湿热地区空气流动对人体热舒适的影响研究,201001-201212,主持
3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,60万元,51878289,湿热地区青年人群最优睡眠热环境研究,201901-202212,主持
4. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,20万元,50708038,湿热地区人体热适应对热反应的影响研究,200801-201012,主持
5. 国家自然科学基金国际(地区)合作与交流项目,4万元,513101035,空气流动对人体热舒适的影响—交流与讨论,201303-201402,主持
6. 国家自然科学基金重点项目,200万元,50838003,动态热环境与人体热舒适的基础研究,200901-201212,参加
7. 国家自然科学基金重大国际(地区)合作项目,100万元,50720165805,湿热地区城市微气候环境现代实验方法与应用基础研究,200801-201012,参加
8. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,25万元,51208110,湿热地区风扇空调动态联控技术研究,201301-201512,参加
9. 国际科技合作项目(中日) ,111万元,S2011GR0033,东亚城市气候变化机理及现代实验方法研究,201101-201312,参加
10. 国家十二五科技支撑计划项目,360万元,2011BAJ01B01,夏热冬暖地区建筑节能技术优化与集成研究,201101-201512,参加
11. 国家十二五科技支撑计划项目,547万元,2012BAC21B03,城市气候环境保障与空间区划技术研究与应用,201201-201512,参加
12. 国家十一五科技支撑计划子课题,77.5万元,2006BAJ02A05-05,居住区风环境和室内自然通风评价方法和标准研究,200705-201012,参加
13. 国家重点实验室自主研究课题,15万元,2014ZC14,居住小区室外热环境的参数化优化设计,201401-201612,主持
14. 广州市科学研究计划重点项目,200万元,健康建筑环境智能控制系统研发与应用,201804-202103,主持
1. Yurong Shi, Yufeng Zhang. Remote sensing retrieval of urban land surface temperature in hot-humid region. Urban Climate. 2018, 24: 299-310
2. Yufeng Zhang, Zhaoji Wu, Mingyang Zhang, Jinbo Mai, Ling Jin, Fulin Wang. Smart indoor humidity and condensation control in the spring in hot-humid areas. Building and Environment. 2018, 135: 42-52
3. Zhongjun Zhang, Yufeng Zhang, Ling Jin. Thermal comfort in interior and semi-open spaces of rural folk houses in hot-humid areas. Building and Environment. 2018, 128: 336-347
4. Yi Chen, Yufeng Zhang, Haolei Tang. Comfortable air speeds for young people lying at rest in the hot-humid area of China in summer. Building and Environment. 2017, 124: 402-411
5. Yufeng Zhang, Denglun Liu, Jinbo Mai. The CTTC model for predicting courtyard air temperature in South China. Building Simulation. 2017, 10(5): 663-676
6. Yufeng Zhang, Xiaohan Du, Yurong Shi. Effects of street canyon design on pedestrian thermal comfort in the hot-humid area of China. International Journal of Biometeorology. 2017, 61(8): 1421-1432
7. Zhongjun Zhang, Yufeng Zhang, Er Ding. Acceptable temperature steps for transitional spaces in the hot-humid area of China. Building and Environment. 2017, 121: 190-199
8. Yufeng Zhang, Jinbo Mai, Mingyang Zhang, Fulin Wang, Yongchao Zhai. Adaptation-based indoor environment control in a hot-humid area. Building and Environment. 2017, 117: 238-247
9. Fulin Wang, Qingqing Feng, Zheliang Chen, Qianchuan Zhao, Zhijing Cheng, Jianhong Zou, Yufeng Zhang, Jinbo Mai, Yun Li, Hayden Reeve. Predictive control of indoor environment using occupant number detected by video data and CO2 concentration. Energy and Buildings. 2017, 145: 155-162
10. Zhongjun Zhang, Yufeng Zhang, Ling Jin. Thermal comfort of rural residents in a hot–humid area. Building Research & Information. 2017, 45(1-2): 209-221
11. Ling Jin, Yufeng Zhang, Zhongjun Zhang. Human responses to high humidity in elevated temperatures for people in hot-humid climates . Building and Environment. 2017, 114: 257-266
12. Kunming Li, Yufeng Zhang, Lihua Zhao. Outdoor thermal comfort and activities in the urban residential community in a humid subtropical area of China. Energy and Buildings. 2016, 133: 498-511
13. Yufeng Zhang. Thermal comfort of people in the hot and humid area of China - impacts of season, climate and thermal history. Indoor Air. 2016, 26(5): 820-830
14. Yiwen Jian, Yi Li, Shen Wei, Yufeng Zhang, Zhen Bai. A case study on household electricity uses and their variations due to occupant behavior in Chinese apartments in Beijing. Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering. 2015, 14(3): 679-686
15. Peng Ren, Qinglin Meng, Yufeng Zhang, Lihua Zhao, Xu Yuan, Xiaoheng Feng. An unmanned airship thermal infrared remote sensing system for low-altitude and high spatial resolution monitoring of urban thermal environments. Remote Sensing. 2015, 7: 14259-14275
16. Yongchao Zhai, Christopher Elsworth, Edward Arens, Hui Zhang, Yufeng Zhang, Lihua Zhao. Using air movement for comfort during moderate exercise. Building and Environment. 2015, 94: 344-352
17. Yufeng Zhang, Qianni Liu, Qinglin Meng. Airflow utilization in buildings in hot and humid areas of China. Building and Environment. 2015, 87: 207-214
18. Yufeng Zhang. Design criteria of built thermal environment for Hot Summer & Warm Winter zone of China. Building and Environment. 2015, 88: 97-105
19. Yongchao Zhai, Yufeng Zhang, Hui Zhang, Wilmer Pasut, Edward Arens, Qinglin Meng. Human comfort and perceived air quality in warm and humid environments with ceiling fans. Building and Environment. 2015, 90: 178-185
20. Yufeng Zhang, Jun Zhang, Huimei Chen, Xiaohan Du, Qinglin Meng. Effects of step changes of temperature and humidity on human responses of people in hot-humid area of China. Building and Environment. 2014, 80: 174-183
21. Xin Zhou, Hui Zhang, Zhiwei Lian, Yufeng Zhang. A model for predicting thermal sensation of Chinese people. Building and Environment. 2014, 82: 237-246
22. Yufeng Zhang, Huimei Chen and Qinglin Meng. Thermal comfort in buildings with split air-conditioners in hot-humid area of China. Building and Environment. 2013, 64: 213-224
23. Yongchao Zhai, Hui Zhang, Yufeng Zhang, Wilmer Pasut, Edward Arens and Qinglin Meng. Comfort under personally controlled air movement in warm and humid environments. Building and Environment. 2013, 65: 109-117
24. Yufeng Zhang, Jinyong Wang, Huimei Chen, Jun Zhang and Qinglin Meng. Thermal comfort in naturally ventilated buildings in hot-humid area of China. Building and Environment. 2010, 45(11): 2562-2570
25. Chi Feng, Qinglin Meng and Yufeng Zhang. Theoretical and experimental analysis of the energy balance of extensive green roofs. Energy and Buildings. 2010, 42(6): 959-965
26. Yufeng Zhang and Rongyi Zhao. Relationship between thermal sensation and comfort in non-uniform and dynamic environments. Building and Environment. 2009, 44(7): 1386-1391
27. Yi Chen, Yufeng Zhang, Qinglin Meng. Study of ventilation cooling technology for telecommunication base stations in Guangzhou. Energy and Buildings. 2009, 41(7): 738-744
28. Yufeng Zhang and Rongyi Zhao. Overall thermal sensation, acceptability and comfort. Building and Environment. 2008, 43 (1): 44–50
29. Yufeng Zhang and Rongyi Zhao. Assessment indices for uniform and non-uniform thermal environments. Frontiers of Energy and Power Engineering in China. 2008, 2(2): 129-133
30. Yufeng Zhang, Yi Chen, Ji Wu and Qinglin Meng. Study on energy efficient envelope design for telecommunication base station in Guangzhou. Energy and Buildings. 2008, 40(10): 1895-1900
31. Yufeng Zhang and Rongyi Zhao. Effect of local exposure on human responses. Building and Environment. 2007, 42(7): 2737–2745
32. Yufeng Zhang, David P Wyon, Lei Fang, and Arsen K Melikov. The influence of heated or cooled seats on the acceptable ambient temperature range. Ergonomics. 2007, 50(4): 586-600
33. 张宇峰. 热环境对睡眠的影响. 暖通空调. 2016, 46(6): 55-64
34. 张宇峰. 建筑环境人体热适应研究思路评介. 暖通空调. 2011, 41(2): 9-17
35. Gail S. Brager, Richard J. de Dear(著),陈慧梅,张宇峰,翟永超(译).建筑环境热适应文献综述. 暖通空调. 2011, 41(7): 35-50
36. 张宇峰. 建筑要适应气候,那么人呢?——一项研究给出的关于人、气候、建筑关系的解答. 南方建筑. 2011, 1: 94-96
37. 张宇峰. 能量平衡与街谷微气候. 建筑科学. 2016, 32(10): 96-104
38. 张宇峰. 自然通风计算基础—表面风压系数和开口流量系数. 建筑科学. 2016, 32(12): 22-29
39. Wyon D P(著)张宇峰(译). 室内环境研究的方法论. 暖通空调. 2006, 36(5): 51-54
1. 《制冷学科进展研究与发展报告》,科学出版社,2007,主编“局部热暴露的舒适性研究”和“室外热舒适研究” 章节,约1万字
2. Trends in Telecommunications Technologies, edited by Christos J. Bouras, INTECH, March 2010, “Building energy efficiency design for telecommunication base stations in Guangzhou” Chapter, 7000 words
3. Sick Building Syndrome in Public Buildings and Workplaces, edited by Sabah A. Abdul-Wahab, Springer, 2011, “Sick building syndrome and indoor environmental quality in china – a review” Chapter, 9800 words
1. 发明专利. 基于人体热适应的室内环境控制系统及方法. ZL 2016 1 0297537.8. 张宇峰,麦锦博,张明扬. 授权
2. 发明专利. 基于人体热适应和气候特点的室内环境控制系统及方法. ZL 2016 1 0676130.6. 张宇峰,麦锦博,张明扬. 授权
3. 计算机软件著作权. 基于人体热适应的室内环境控制系统V1.0. 2016SR258651. 张宇峰,麦锦博,张明扬. 授权
4. JGJ/T 347. 建筑热环境测试方法标准. 国家工程建设行业标准. 2014, 排名2/19
5. JGJ/T 287. 建筑反射隔热涂料节能检测标准. 国家工程建设行业标准. 2014, 排名3/21
6. JGJ 286. 城市居住区热环境设计标准. 国家工程建设行业标准. 2013, 排名10/29
校外合作伙伴包括广西大学、华南农业大学、UC Berkeley、Western University、清华大学、香港理工大学、西安建筑科技大学、海南大学、福州大学、广东工业大学等。