姓 名
性 别
民 族
具有15年在科研单位和企业从事模拟及数模混合集成电路(IC)研究与设计的工作经验,近年主要从事有关数模混合及电源管理芯片IC的研究与设计。在企业工作期间,参与研发MCU及NAND FLASH系列芯片及其电源管理模块,并实现了商用量产。在博士、博士后研究员及副研究员期间,分别参与完成了香港政府资助的工业创新项目“High-efficiency SIMO Power Converter for SoC”及广东顺德中山大学卡内基梅隆大学国际联合研究院资助的“北斗多模卫星导航芯片关键电路IP核的研究与设计”,负责SIMO DC-DC转换器芯片实现及其他电源管理模块如DC-DC转换器和LDO的设计。现正主持的科研项目有国家自然科学基金青年基金“适用于移动终端SoC的高频高可靠数字控制SIMO DC-DC转换器的设计理论研究芯片实现”;中央高校面上项目“高频数字控制单电感多输出电源管理芯片的设计”;正参与香港研究局资助(RGC)项目“Multiple-Output Buck-Boost DC-DC Converters with Enhanced Attenuation of Self- and Cross-regulations”。
2004-2005, 广州广宏系统集成有限公司, 工程师
2005-2006, 广州亿浪集成电路设计公司, 工程师
2016-至今, 华南理工大学电信学院,副教授
2006-2010,香港中文大学电子工程系 , 博士
SIMO供电小型化技术合作项目, 企业委托开发项目,2019
[1]Y. Zheng, H. Chen and K. N. Leung, "A Fast-Response Pseudo-PWM Buck Converter with PLL-Based Hysteresis Control," IEEE Transactions on VLSI Systems, Vol. 20, No. 7, pp. 1167-1174, Jul. 2012.
[2]Y. Zheng, M. Ho, J. P. Guo, K.-L. Mak and K. N. Leung, “A Single-Inductor Multiple-Output Auto-Buck-Boost DC-DC Converter with Auto Phase Allocation,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 2296–2313, Mar. 2016.
[3]Y. Zheng, M. Ho, J. Guo and K. N. Leung, “A Single-Inductor Multiple-Output Auto-Buck–Boost DC–DC Converter with Tail-Current Control,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 31, no. 11, pp. 7857–7875, Nov. 2016.
[4]M. Ho, J. P. Guo, K. H. Mak, W. L. Goh, S. Bu, Y. Zheng, X. Tang and K. N. Leung, "A CMOS Low-Dropout Regulator with Dominant-Pole Substitution," IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 31, No. 9, pp. 6362-6371, Sep. 2016
[5]X. Tang, J. Zeng, Y. Zheng, K. N. Leung and Z. Wang, "Limit-cycle oscillation reduction in high-efficiency wireless power receiver," in Electronics Letters, vol. 53, no. 16, pp. 1152-1154, 8 3 2017.
[6]Z. Wang, B. Chen, L. Zhu, Y. Zheng, J. Guo, D. Chen, M. Ho, K. Leung “A 3.3-MHz fast-response load-dependent-on/off-time buck-boost DC-DC converter with low-noise hybrid full-wave current sensor” in Microelectronics Journal, vol.74 pp. 1-12, Apr. 2018
[7]Y. Zhou, Y. Zheng and K. N. Leung, "Fast-response full-wave inductor current sensor for 10 MHz buck converter," in Electronics Letters, vol. 54, no. 6, pp. 379-381, 22 3 2018.
[8]S. Bu, K. N. Leung, Y. Lu, J. P. Guo and Y. Zheng, "A Fully Integrated Low-Dropout Regulator with Differentiator-Based Active Zero Compensation," in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, vol. 65, no. 10, pp. 3578-3591, Oct. 2018.
[9] Z. Chen, C. Li, K. N. Leung and Y. Zheng , "Single-Inductor Multiple-Output DC-DC Converter with Duty-Cycle- Constrained Comparator Control," in Electronics Letters vol. 55, no. 10, pp. 617-619, 30 7 2019.
[10]Y. Woo, K. N. Leung, Y. Zheng and J. Guo, “Low-dropout Regulator with Dual Cross-coupled Current Mirrors”, in International Journal of Circuit Theory and Application, vol.47, no.11, pp.1869-1876, Nov.2019.
[11]C. H. Hung, Y. Zheng, J. P. Guo and K. N. Leung, "Bandwidth and Slew Rate Enhanced OTA with Sustainable Dynamic Bias," in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, vol. 67, no. 4, pp. 635-639, April 2020.
[12] Y. Zhou, X. Lin, J. Yang, Y. Zheng, K. N. Leung, “Adaptive-biased sense-FET–based inductor-current sensor for 10-MHz buck converter”, in International Journal of Circuit Theory and Application, 2020;1–12.
[13] Y. Zheng, J.P. Guo and K. N. Leung, “A Single-Inductor Multiple-Output Buck/Boost DC-DC Converter With Duty-Cycle and Control-Current Predictor”, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, accepted.
[14] T. Mui, J. Yang, Y. Lin, Y. Zhou, Y. Zheng, J. Guo and K. Leung, “A dual-power-path charge pump for solar-energy harvesting”, in International Journal of Circuit Theory and Application, Jun. 2021
[15] Y. H. Woo, J. Yang, J. Li, J. Guo, Y. Zheng and K. N. Leung, "An Analog-Assisted Digital LDO With Dynamic-Biasing Asynchronous Comparator," in IEEE Access, vol. 10, pp. 56996-57002, 2022
[16] Y. H. Woo, J. Yang, J. Guo, Y. Zheng and K. N. Leung, "A Hybrid Low-Dropout Regulator With Load Regulation Correction," in IEEE Access, vol. 10, pp. 25106-25113, 2022
[17] J. Yang, B. Li, K. N. Leung, Z. Chen and Y. Zheng, "A Triple-Mode DC-DC Converter With Wide Input and Load Ranges for Energy Harvesting in IoT Edge Nodes," in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, 2022
[18] Y. Zhou, Q. Cheng, J. Li, Y. Zheng and K. N. Leung, "Full-Wave Sense-FET-Based Inductor-Current Sensor With Wide Dynamic Range for Buck Converters," in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, vol. 69, no. 4, pp. 2041-2045, April 2022
[19] Y. Zhou, J. Li, X. Liu, Y. Zheng and K. N. Leung, "Bidirectional Buck-Boost Converter With Reduced Power Loss and No Right-Half-Plane Zero," in IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2022
[1]Y. Zheng, M. Ho, K. N. Leung and J. Guo, “A Fixed-frequency Auto-buck-boost SIMO DC-DC Converter with Duty-cycle Redistribution and Duty-predicted Current Control,” in Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 2015, pp. 225–228.
[2]Y. Zheng, M. Ho, K. N. Leung, J. Guo and H. Chen, “A Robust cross-regulation-suppressed Single-inductor Multiple-output DC-DC Converter with Duty-regulated Comparator Control,” in Proc. IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 2015, pp. 1–4.
[3]Y. Zheng, M. Ho, K. N. Leung, J. P Guo and B. Chen, “A Digital-Control Sensorless Current-Mode Boost Converter with Non-Zero Error Bin Compensation and Seamless Mode Transition,” IEEE International System-on-Chip Conference, Beijing, China, pp.94-99, Sep. 2015
[4]L. Zhu, B. Chen, J. P. Guo, Y. Zheng, M. Ho and K. N. Leung, “A fast-response buck-boost DC-DC converter with constructed full-wave current sensor," 2016 International Symposium on Integrated Circuits (ISIC), Singapore, 2016, pp. 1-4.
[5]B. Chen, L. Zhu, J. P. Guo, Y. Zheng, M. Ho and K. N. Leung, “A Shared-MSB delay-line-based ADC with simultaneous quantization for digital control single-inductor-multiple-output DC-DC converter," 2016 International Symposium on Integrated Circuits (ISIC), Singapore, 2016, pp. 1-4.
[6]B. Li, Y. Yan, Z. Wu, X. Tang and Y. Zheng, “A Low Latency Simultaneous Quantization Vernier Delay-line-based ADC for Digital Control Single-Inductor-Multiple-Output DC-DC Converter,” in Proc. International Future Energy Electronics Conference 2017-ECCE ASIA, Jun. 2017, accepted for publication.
[7]G. Li, J. Guo, Y. Zheng, M. Huang and D. Chen, "Cascoded flipped voltage follower based output-capacitorless low-dropout regulator for SoCs," 2015 28th IEEE International System-on-Chip Conference (SOCC), Beijing, 2015, pp. 368-373.
[8]M. Ho, S. Bu, Y. Zheng, K. N. Leung and J. Guo, "A 124-dB double-gain-boosted cascode amplifier with 92% rail-to-rail output swing," 2014 IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems (APCCAS), Ishigaki, 2014, pp. 181-184.
[9]X. He, P. Huang, Z. Wu, Y. Yan, J. Yan, Y. Zheng, “Synchronous Coarse-Fine Comparators based Zero- Current Detector for DC-DC Converter Operating in Switching Frequency beyond 10MHz,” in IEEE EDSSC, Oct. 2017.
[10]B. Li, J. Yang, Z. Wu, Y. Yan, P. Huang and Y. Zheng, “A Fast-Response Full-Wave Current-Sensing Circuit for DC-DC Converter Operating in 10 MHz Switching Frequency”, in IEEE EDSSC, Oct. 2017.
[11] P. Xie, Z. Chen and Y. Zheng, “An Auto-Buck-Boost Single Inductor Dual Output DC-DC converter With Hysteretic Current and Charge Control,”in IEEE EDSSC, May. 2019.
[12] H. Li, P. Xie, C. Li, and Y. Zheng, “A High Accuracy and Wide Input Voltage Range Current Sensor with Adaptive Amplification and Temperature Compensation,” in IEEE EDSSC, May. 2019.
[13] Y. Woo, J. Chan, C. Huang, K. Leung, Y. Zheng and J. Guo, “A 0.7-V 3.37-MHz-GBW OTA Driving 15 nF With Triple Gm-Boosting Cells,” in IEEE EDSSC, May. 2019.
[14] Y. Zhou, Y. Zheng and K. Leung, "An Output-Capacitorless Low-Dropout Regulator with High Slew Rate and Unity-Gain Bandwidth", accpeted in IEEE ISCAS 2020.
[1]郑彦祺,杨建新,李斌,吴朝晖, 用于能量收集的控制器及控制方法和一种能量收集芯片,专利号:201811004330.2