姓 名
性 别
民 族
崔巍,华南理工大学教授,博士生导师,2011年6月毕业于中科院数学与系统科学研究院获理学博士学位,2011年7月至2014年5月在日本理化学研究所(Riken)任FPR特别研究员,曾在芬兰图尔库大学、澳大利亚新南威尔士大学等高校做访问学者。主要学术兼职包括IEEE Senior Member,中国自动化学会高级会员,中国计算机学会高级会员,中国工业与应用数学学会区块链专业委员会委员,中国计算机学会量子计算专业组执行委员,《控制理论与应用》期刊青年编委等。主要研究方向为量子计算与单光子视觉感知,区块链安全与数据要素治理。
2019年9月—至今, 华南理工大学, 自动化科学与工程学院, 教授, 博士生导师
2014年5月—2019年8月, 华南理工大学, 自动化科学与工程学院, 副教授,硕士生导师
2011年7月—2014年5月, 日本理化学研究所, Franco Nori教授研究组, FRP特别研究员
2016年2月—2016年3月, 日本理化学研究所, Franco Nori教授研究组, 访问学者
2014年9月—2014年10月, 澳大利亚新南威尔士大学, 工程与信息科技学院, 访问学者
2006年9月—2011年6月, 中科院数学与系统科学研究院,系统科学研究所, 获理学博士
2002年9月—2006年6月, 贵州大学,数学系, 获理学学士
2010年4月—2010年9月, 芬兰图尔库大学,物理系, 访问研究生
2023年获中国物理学会-华为MindSpore Quantum学术奖励
IEEE Senior Member
中国计算机学会量子计算专业组 执行委员
中国工业与应用数学学会区块链专业委员会 委员
中国工业与应用数学学会金融科技与算法专业委员会 委员
中国人工智能学会人工智能与安全专业委员会 委员
《控制理论与应用》期刊 青年编委
国家自然科学基金面上项目,62273154,线性方程组量子求解算法(HHL算法)的精确受控旋转研究,主持,2023/01—2026/12 (在研)
国家重点研发计划 ,2022YFB3103100,网络空间安全治理—公共网络中重要数据发现研究,子课题负责人,2022/12—2025/11 (在研)
国家自然科学基金面上项目,61873317,基于超导电路量子电动力学系统的实时参数估计,主持,2019/01—2022/12 (已结题)
国家自然科学基金青年基金,11404113,基于超导电路量子力学系统的非线性测量研究,主持,2015/01—2017/12 (已结题)
(1) Xite Wang, Senping Tian, Wei Cui*, ContractCheck: Checking Ethereum Smart Contracts in Fine-Grained Level, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 50(7), 1789-1806 (2024)
(2) Ge Chen, Junbo Zhang, Wei Cui, Jiaming Hu, Ying Peng, Real-time service task cheduling with fine-grained resource utilization to benefit important industrial business, Computers & Industrial Engineering (2024), DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cie.2024.110523
(3) Yuchen Guo, Ziru Yu, Xiangyang Yu*, Xiaoqing Wang, Yefan Cai, Weibin Hong, Wei Cui, Identification and sorting of impurities in tea using spectral vision, LWT-Food Science and Technology 205, 116519 (2024)
(4) Ruicun Liu, Tuoyu Liu, Wuge Liu, Boyu Luo, Yuchen Li, Xinyue Fan, Xianchao Zhang*, Wei Cui*, Yue Teng*, SemiSynBio: A new era for neuromorphic computing, Synthetic and Systems Biotechnology, 9(3), 594-599 (2024)
(5) Jianfeng Lin, Xin Wang, Tuoyu Liu, Yue Teng*, and Wei Cui*, Diffusion-based generative network for de Novo synthetic promoter design, ACS Synthetic Biology, 13(5), 1513-1522, (2024)
(6) Ziru Yu and Wei Cui*,Robust hyperspectral image classification using generative adversarial network, Information Sciences, 666, 120452, (2024)
(7) Tong Dou, Guofeng Zhang, and Wei Cui*, Efficient quantum feature extraction for CNN-based learning, Journal of the Franklin Institute, 360, 7438-7456, (2023)
(8) Wei Cui*, Shilu Yan, Module for arbitrary controlled rotation in gate-based quantum algorithms, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 626, 129092 (2023)
(9) Ziru Yu, Wei Cui*, LSCA-net: A lightweight spectral convolution attention network for hyperspectral information processing, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 215, 108382, (2023)
(10) Ge Chen, Junbo Zhang, Mingchao Ning, Wei Cui, Mengcheng Ma, Task scheduling in real-time industrial scenarios, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 182, 109372, (2023)
(11) 颜世露,张俊勃,齐洪胜,崔巍*,基于数字列表分发的量子检测拜占庭协议设计与分析, 控制理论与应用,DOI: 10.7641/CTA.2023.21004 (2023)
(12) Xin Wang, Zhenwei Zhou*, Shilie He, Junbin Liu, Wei Cui, Performance degradation modeling and its prediction algorithm of an IGBT gate oxide layer based on a CNN-LSTM network, Micromachines, 14, 959, (2023)
(13) Li Li, Jiahao Wu, Wei Cui*, A review of blockchain cross-chain technology, IET Blockchain, 3, 149-158 (2023)
(14) Wei Cui*, Cunnian Gao, WTEYE: On-chain wash trade detection and quantification for ERC20 cryptocurrencies, Blockchain: Research and Applications, 4(1), 100108 (2023)
(15) Zhiyuan Dong, Wei Cui, Guofeng Zhang*, On the dynamics of a quantum coherent feedback network of cavity-mediated double quantum dot qubits, Journal of the Franklin Institute, 360, 4572-4596, (2023)
(16) 麦俊佳,崔巍,曾懿辉,输电线路巡检无人机巢配置部署方法,广东电力,36(2),102-108,(2023)
(17) Xinwei Guo, Wei Cui*, BMP: An evaluation system for Bitcoin mining pools, IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, 10(5), 2636-2643,(2023)
(18) Wei Cui*, Yu Pan, Zhendong Ai, A blockchain-based transaction system for private data sharing and trading, Control Theory and Technology 20, 291-302 (2022)
(19) Zhendong Ai and Wei Cui*, A proof-of transactions blockchain consensus protocol for large-scale IoT, IEEE Internet of Things Journal 9(11), 7931-7943 (2022)
(20) Wei Cui*, Yang Yang, Quantum simultaneous measurement of non-commuting observables based on K-Means Clustering, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 588, 126559 (2022)
(21) Beili Gong, Fang Gao, and Wei Cui*, Anonymous communication protocol over quantum networks, Quantum Information Processing 21, 99(2022)
(22) 颜世露,相里朋,崔巍*,区块链在量子时代里的机遇和挑战,电子科技大学学报,51(2), 162-169(2022)
(23) Fang Gao, Guojian Wu, Mingyu Yang, Wei Cui, Feng Shuang*, A Hybrid algorithm to solve linear systems of equations with limited qubit resources, Quantum Information Processing,21,111 (2022)
(24) Beili Gong, Daoyi Dong, and Wei Cui*, Weak-force sensing in optomechanics system with Kalman filtering, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 54, 165301 (2021).
(25) 窦通、周振威、刘涛、汪凯蔚、汪皓、崔巍,量子-经典混合神经网络及其故障诊断应用,控制理论与应用,38(11),1785-1792,(2021)
(26) Wei Cui*,Zihan Wang, Yaoguang Li, and, ECG-based biometric recognition under exercise and rest situations, Biomedical Engineering Advances 2, 100008 (2021)
(27) Shilu Yan, Hongsheng Qi, and Wei Cui*, Nonlinear quantum neuron: a fundamental build-ing block for quantum neural networks, Phys. Rev. A 102, 052421 (2020).
(28) Wei Cui, Daoyi Dong*, Modelling and control of quantum measurement induced backaction in double quantum dots, IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 27(6),2499-2509(2019)
(29) Beili Gong, Wei Cui*, Binary discrimination in two-level quantum systems via hypothesis testing, Phys. Rev. A 100, 012116(2019)
(30) Yaoguang Li, Wei Cui*, Identifying the mislabeled training samples of ECG signals using machine learning, Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 47, 168-176 (2019)
(31) Wei Cui*, Shilu Yan, New directions in quantum neural networks research, Control Theory and Technology 17(4), 393-395 (2019)
(32) Yang Yang, Beili Gong, Wei Cui* , Real-time quantum state estimation in circuit QED via the Bayesian approach, Phys. Rev. A 97, 012119 (2018)
(33) Beili Gong, Wei Cui* , Multi-objective optimization in quantum parameter estimation, Sci. Chi. Phy. Mec. & Ast. 61(4), 040312 (2018)
(34) Wei Cui*, Research opportunities arising from measurement and estimation of quantum sys-tems, Control Theory and Technology 16(3), 241-243 (2018)
(35) Beili Gong, Yang Yang, Wei Cui*, Quantum parameter estimation via dispersive measure-ment in circuit QED, Quantum Information Processing 17, 301 (2018)
(36) 杨阳,齐波,崔巍*,量子态估计简介及其在超导电路电动力学系统中的应用,控制理论与应用 34(11),1446-1459 (2017)
(37) Boyang Liu, Wei Cui, Hongyi Dai, Xi Chen, Ming Zhang*, A high-fidelity memory scheme for quantum data buses, Chin. Phys. B, 26(9), 090303 (2017)
(38) Wei Cui* and Franco, Feedback control of Rabi oscillations in circuit QED, Phys. Rev. A, 88, 063823 (2013)
(39) Xinyou Lv*, Zeliang Xiang, Wei Cui, J. Q. You, and Franco Nori, Quantum memory using a hybrid circuit with flux qubits and nitrogen-vacancy centers, Phys Rev. A 88, 012329 (2013)
(40) Wei Cui*, Neill Lambert, Yukihiro Ota. Xin You Lv, Z. L. Xiang, J. Q. You, and Franco Nori, Confidence and backaction in the quantum filter equation, Phys. Rev. A 86, 052320 (2012)
(41) Xin You Lv*, S. Ashhab, Wei Cui, Rebing Wu, and Franco Nori, Two-qubit gate operations in superconducting circuits with strong coupling and weak anharmonicity, New Journal of Physics, 14, 073041 (2012)
(42) Yu Pan, Zairong*, and Wei Cui, Available control in dynamical decoupled quantum systems, Chinese Science Bulletin 57(18), 2228-2232, (2012)
(43) Yu Pan, Zairong Xi*, and Wei Cui, Optimal dynamical decoupling sequence for the Ohmic spectrum, Phys. Rev. A 81, 022309 (2010)
(44) Wei Cui, Zairong Xi*, and Yu Pan, Non-Markovian entanglement dynamics in coupled su-perconducting qubit, Eur. Phys. J. D 59, 479-485 (2010)
(45) Wei Cui, Zairong Xi*, and Yu Pan, Non-Markovian entanglement dynamics between two coupled qubits in the same environment, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 42, 155303 (2009)
(46) Wei Cui, Zairong Xi*, and Yu Pan, The entanglement dynamics of the bipartite quantum system: toward entanglement sudden death, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 42, 025303 (2009)
(47) Wei Cui, Zairong Xi*, and Yu Pan, Optimal decoherence control in non-Markovian open dissipative quantum systems. Phys. Rev. A 77, 032117 (2008)
(1) Ronghui Liu, Hao Ren*, Wei Cui*, Chunhua Yang, Weihua Gui, Xiaojun Liang, Keke Huang, Bei Sun, Named Entity Recognition in Industrial Processes, Proceedings of the 42th Chinese Control Conference, 2628-2632, (2023)
(2) Shuai Yang, Wei Cui*, An Evaluation System for DeFi Lending Protocols, Proceedings of the 42th Chinese Control Conference, 8888-8893, (2023)
(3) Langyu Li, Hao Wang, Zhixin Xie, Zixuan Liu, Wei Cui, Yu Pan, Simulated Ising annealing algorithm with Gaussian augmented hamiltonian Monte Carlo, Proceedings of the 42th Chinese Control Conference, 6760-6765, (2023)
(4) Hao Wang, Yu Pan, Wei Cui*, Quantum-inspired solvers on mixed-integer linear programming problem, Proceedings of the 41th Chinese Control Conference, 5693-5698 (2022)
(5) Tong Dou, Kaiwei Wang, Zhenwei Zhou, and Wei Cui*, An unsupervised feature learning for quantum-classical convolutional network with applications to fault detection, Proceedings of the 40th Chinese Control Conference, 6351-6355 (2021)
(6) Wei Cui*, Tong Dou, and Shilu Yan, Threats and opportunities: blockchain meets quantum computation, Proceedings of the 39th Chinese Control Conference,5822-5824(2020)
(7) Zhengdong Ai, Zihan Wang, and Wei Cui*, Low-power wireless wearable ECG monitoring chestbelt based on Ferroelectric microprocessor, Proceedings of the 38th Chinese Control Conference, 6434-6439, (2019)
(8) Yu Pan*, Guofeng Zhang, Wei Cui, Matthew R. James, Single photon inverting pulse for an atom in a cavity, Proceeding of the IEEE 54th Annual Conference on Decision and Control, 6429-6433, (2015)
(9) Wei Cui*, Yu Pan, Daoyi Dong, Variable strcture control of quantum systems, Proceeding of the IEEE 54th Annual Conference on Decision and Control, 6441-6446, (2015)
(10) Hongting Song, Yu Pan, Wei Cui, and Zairong Xi*, Optimal control of quantum discord in a common environment, Proceedings of the 10th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, 1999-2004 (2012)
(11) Yu Pan, Zairong Xi*, and Wei Cui, Constructing noise filter by dynamical decoupling, Proceedings of the 30th Chinese Control Conference, 5342-5345 (2011)
(12) Yu Pan, Zairong Xi*, and Wei Cui, Controlling decoupled quantum system, Proceedings of the 29th Chinese Control Conference, 5889-5892 (2010)
(13) Wei Cui, Zairong Xi*, and Yu Pan, Controlled population transfer for quantum computing in non-Markovian noise environment, Proceedings of the Joint 48th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and 28th Chinese Control Conference, 2504-2509 (2009)
(1) 崔巍,李耀光, 基于交叉验证的心电信号错误标记训练样本识别方法, 专利号:ZL201711088016.2 (已授权)
(2) 崔巍,李耀光,一种运动前后心电信号身份识别的有效方法,专利号:ZL201910089220.9 (已授权)
(3) 崔巍,梁俊强等,一种基于奇异值分解的心电信号压缩及识别方法,专利号:ZL201910789960.3 (已授权)
(4) 崔巍,颜世露,一种能模拟任意非线性激活函数的量子系统,专利号:ZL202010775827.5(已授权)
(5) 崔巍,颜世露,一种基于量子拜占庭共识协议的新型区块链系统,专利号:ZL20221 0054546.X (已授权)
(6) 崔巍,吴嘉豪,一种基于量子密钥分发的数据安全共享区块链系统,专利号:ZL202210309157.7(已授权)
(7) 崔巍,艾振东,一种基于区块链的医疗物联网交易系统, 专利号:ZL202010596979.9 (已授权)
(8) 崔巍,汪皓,一种基于实体识别的比特币异常地址追踪系统, 申请号: CN202210704277 (已公开)
(9) 崔巍,高存年,一种基于ERC20 token链上数据的冲销交易检测与分析系统,申请号:202210356229.3 (已公开)
(10) 崔巍,郭鑫伟,一种基于层次分析法的比特币矿池评价系统,申请号:202210416630.1
(11) 崔巍,王希特,一种基于改进图卷积网络的区块链智能合约多漏洞检测方法及系统,申请号:202310059921.4 (已公开)
(15)崔巍,吴嘉豪,肖时辉 等,一种基于多密钥同态加密的跨链数据安全共享方法、装置及电子设备,申请号:2023114278350(已公开)
(16)崔巍,田炜滨,肖时辉 等,一种基于区块链的仓单供应链金融管理方法及系统,申请号:202311477457 (已公开)
(1)新型区块链共识协议(Proof of Transactions)实现及测试软件[简称:PoT测试软件]V1.0,登记号:2021SR0893340
(2)ERC20token冲销交易(wash trade)检测分析软件,登记号:2022SR0108080
(3)基于AHP(Analytic Hierarchy Process)的区块链矿池评价系统,登记号:2022SR0112457