姓 名
性 别
民 族
林舜江,男,广东澄海人,1980年9月生,博士后,副研究员,博士生导师,IEEE Senior Member (国际电气与电子工程师协会高级会员),中国电机工程学会高级会员,中国电机工程学会电力系统专业委员会学组委员,IEEE PES中国区直流电力系统技术委员会直流系统规划与设计技术分委会常务理事,IEEE PES 中国区青年专家委员会委员,广东高校“千百十人才培养工程”第八批培养对象。1999年9月至2003年7月于华南理工大学电气工程及其自动化专业学习(获工学学士学位),2003年9月至2005年8月于湖南大学电力系统及其自动化专业硕士学习并提前攻博,2005年9月至2008年6月于湖南大学电气工程专业学习(获工学博士学位)。2008年8月至2010年8月于华南理工大学电气工程博士后流动站从事科研工作,2010年9月出站并留在华南理工大学电力学院任教至今。2008年评为助理研究员,2014年评为副研究员。主要研究方向为新能源电力系统优化调度,综合能源系统优化调度,新能源电力系统稳定分析与优化控制,电力系统动态负荷建模等。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目1项、国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目1项、广东省自然科学基金项目3项、国家重点实验室开放基金重点项目1项、广东高校优秀青年创新人才培养计划项目1项、中央高校基本科研业务费项目3项、华南理工大学科研启动项目1项和企业委托科技项目12项(其中经费超过200万元的项目3项)。参加科研项目10余项,包括国家“973”计划项目、国家“863”计划项目和国家自然科学基金项目等。获得中国机械工业科学技术奖二等奖1项,中国南方电网公司科技进步奖二等奖1项。已发表学术论文160多篇,其中SCI收录50多篇,EI收录的第一或通信作者论文100余篇。已获得授权发明专利11项。
[1] 李欣然,陈辉华,李培强,宋军英,苏盛,陈震海,黄良刚,林舜江,胡剑宇,王立德.电力系统负荷建模理论方法及其工程应用,2008年度中国机械工业科学技术奖二等奖,证书编号:0802094-08
[2] 杨银国,李力,辛拓,温柏坚,李剑辉,林建熙,吴国炳,钱峰,易杨,谭伟,张勇军,林舜江,郭文鑫,刘明波,蔡泽祥,黄凯,杨雄平,李爱民. 广东电网无功电压调控适配分析与安全评价研究,中国南方电网公司2013年科技进步奖二等奖
[3] 广东高校“千百十人才培养工程”第八批培养对象
IEEE Senior Member,中国电机工程学会高级会员
[1] 具有复杂耦合和时滞特性的园区综合能源微网优化调度研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,51977080,2020.1-2023.12,主持
[2] 基于近似动态规划理论的电力系统随机动态经济调度研究,国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,51207056,2013.1-2015.12,主持
[3] 数据和知识混合驱动的大规模海上风电并网电力系统韧性提升优化运行控制,广东省自然科学基金项目,2023A1515240075,2023.11-2026.10,主持
[4] 计及故障耦合传播的区域综合能源系统运行风险评估和优化调度,广东省自然科学基金项目,2022A1515010332,2022.1-2024.12,主持
[5] 智能微网多目标随机能量优化调度方法及应用研究,广东省自然科学基金项目,2015A030313233,2015.8-2018.8,主持
[6] 计及电压稳定性的负荷密集受端系统最小短路电流分析方法研究,直流输电技术全国重点实验室开放基金重点项目,SKLHVDC-2024-KF-05,2024.8-2026.7,主持
[7] 含高渗透率随机功率的交直流互联大电网静态电压稳定分析与优化控制,直流输电技术国家重点实验室开放基金重点项目,SKLHVDC-2020-KF-13,2020.12-2022.12,主持
[8] 交直流混联输电受端电网暂态电压安全在线分析与控制研究,广东高校优秀青年创新人才培养计划项目(即育苗工程项目),LYM11014,2012.1-2013.12,主持
[9] 具有复杂耦合和时滞特性的区域综合能源系统优化调度研究,中央高校基本科研业务费项目,2019MS015,2019.7-2021.6,主持
[10] 含规模化新能源的交直流互联区域电网有功优化调度,中央高校基本科研业务费项目,2015.7-2017.6,主持
[11] 三级电压控制体系下大电网暂态电压安全分析与控制研究,中央高校基本科研业务费项目,2011ZM0021,2011.1-2012.12,主持
[12] AVC体系下大受端电网电压调控研究,华南理工大学科研启动项目,2011.1-2011.12,主持
[13] 含大规模新能源的交直流互联大电网智能运行与柔性控制关键技术——交直流互联大电网智能优化调度技术,国家863计划项目,2012AA050209,2012.1-2014.12,本人负责子任务“含大规模新能源接入的覆盖网、省二级的跨区域互补共济的多目标智能发电调度技术”
[14] 源-网-荷协同的智能电网能量管理和运行控制基础研究——特性各异电源及负荷的能量互补协同优化调控,国家973计划项目,2013CB228205,2013.1-2017.12,本人参与子任务“分散自治与集中协调优化”
[15] 大规模海上风电与天然气发电融合多能互补关键技术的研发,广东省重点领域研发计划项目, 2021B0101230004,2021.8-2024.8,本人参与子课题“海上风电集群并网优化设计、优化调度技术及示范应用”
[16] 提升具有复杂源荷特性的地区电网输电和调控能力的关键技术,广东电网有限责任公司河源供电局科技项目,2023.12-2025.9,主持
[17] 广州规划态电网供电能力及风险辨识智能化关键技术研发,广东电网有限责任公司广州供电局科技项目,2022.9-2024.8,主持
[18] 电力市场环境下交直流输电通道经济运行技术研究及应用开发,中国南方电网有限责任公司超高压输电公司检修试验中心科技项目,2021.11-2023.4,主持
[19] 含分布式光伏发电的南沙配电网优化规划与运行方法研究,广州供电局有限公司科技项目,2019.8-2020.12,主持
[20] 新电力改革下考虑随机波动功率接入的深圳电网有功优化调度研究,深圳供电局有限公司科技项目,2017.11-2018.12,主持
[21] 基于电能量计量系统的交直流输电通道功率协调优化和经济运行技术研究与应用,中国南方电网有限责任公司超高压输电公司检修试验中心科技项目,2017.7-2018.10,主持
[22] 2012年专题情报报告,南方电网科学研究院有限责任公司科技项目,2012.11-2013.12,主持
[23] 低压无功分散补偿技术及补偿效益分析,广州供电局有限公司科技项目,2012.10-2014.6,主持
[24] 情报中心建设2015年行业情报报告,南方电网科学研究院有限责任公司科技项目,2015.11-2016.11,主持
[25] 特高压直流系统无功后备控制功能策略研究,南方电网超高压输电公司广州局科技项目,2015.11-2016.11,主持
[26] 含多新能源的园区型微电网优化分析软件开发,中国能源建设集团广东省电力设计研究院有限公司科技项目,2016.10-2017.12,主持
[27] 2017年专业技术情报定制报告采购,南方电网科学研究院有限责任公司科技项目,2017.9-2018.9,主持
[28] 广东电网电压调控安全评估系统,广东电网公司电力调度控制中心科技项目,2010.1-2011.12,主研
[29] 气温与降温负荷相关性研究,广东电网公司电力调度控制中心科技项目,2013.12-2014.12,主研
[1] Yuerong Yang, Shunjiang Lin*, Shiyuan Chen, Mingbo Liu, Qifeng Li. A non-sampling time domain simulation framework for transient stability assessment under stochastic continuous disturbances. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2024, Early Access, DOI: 10.1109/TPWRS.2024.3416150. (SCI Q1 Top)
[2] Yuerong Yang, Shunjiang Lin*, Ziqing Yang, Mingbo Liu, Qifeng Li. Mean square stability criterion for power systems under stochastic continuous disturbances. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2024, 39(3): 5229-5243. (SCI Q1 Top)
[3] Weikun Liang, Shunjiang Lin*, Jie Liu, Ping Dong, Mingbo Liu. Multi-objective mixed-integer convex programming method for the siting and sizing of UPFCs in a large-scale AC/DC transmission system. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2023, 38(6):5671-5686. (SCI Q1 Top)
[4] Yuerong Yang, Shunjiang Lin*, Qiong Wang, Yuquan Xie, Mingbo Liu, Qifeng Li. Optimization of static voltage stability margin considering uncertainties of wind power generation. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2022, 37(6):4525-4540. (SCI Q1 Top)
[5] Weikun Liang, Shunjiang Lin*, Mingbo Liu, Xuan Sheng, Yue Pan. Risk-based distributionally robust optimal dispatch for multiple cascading failures in regional integrated energy system using surrogate modeling. Applied Energy, January 2024, Volume 353, Part A, 122063. (SCI Q1 Top)
[6] Weikun Liang, Shunjiang Lin*, Mingbo Liu, Xuan Sheng, Yue Pan, Yun Liu. Risk assessment for cascading failures in regional integrated energy system considering the pipeline dynamics. Energy, May 2023, Volume 270, 126898. (SCI Q1 Top)
[7] Weikun Liang, Shunjiang Lin*, Shunbo Lei, Yuquan Xie, Zhiqiang Tang, Mingbo Liu. Distributionally robust optimal dispatch of CCHP campus microgrids considering the time-delay of pipelines and the uncertainty of renewable energy. Energy, January 2022, Volume 239, 122200. (SCI Q1 Top)
[8] Wanbin Liu, Shunjiang Lin*, Qifeng Li. Relaxed LASSO based Convex Approximation for Uncertainty-Aware Optimal Power Flow model of Static Voltage Stability Margin calculation. CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems, 2023, accepted
[9] Yutao Liang, Shunjiang Lin, Ziqing Yang, Xin Lai, Mingbo Liu. Coordinated Planning for Multiple Inner Networks of Offshore Wind Farms and Onshore Transmission Expansion. Protection and Control of Modern Power Systems, 2024, accepted
[10] Weikun Liang, Shunjiang Lin, Yuerong Yang, Ziqing Yang, Mingbo Liu. Multi-objective robust optimal secure operation of large-scale power grid with multiple Back-to-Back VSC systems considering short-circuit current limitation. Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy, 2024, accepted
[11] Xuan Sheng, Shunjiang Lin*, Weikun Liang, Yue Pan, Mingbo Liu. An interval economic dispatch method for commercial campus integrated energy system with demand response considering multiple uncertainties. CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems, 2023, Early Access, DOI: 10.17775/CSEEJPES.2023.00840
[12] Yuerong Yang, Shunjiang Lin*, Qiong Wang, Mingbo Liu, Qifeng Li. Preventive-corrective control for static voltage stability under multiple N-1 contingencies considering the wind power uncertainty. CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems, 2023, Early Access, DOI: 10.17775/CSEEJPES.2023.00310
[13] Jie Liu, Shunjiang Lin*, Weikun Liang, Yanghua Liu, Mingbo Liu. Optimization for Power Distribution and Maintenance Schedules of Paralleled Transmission Channels in AC/DC Power System. Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy, 2023, Early Access, DOI: 10.35833/MPCE.2023.001028
[14] Xiangyong Feng, Shunjiang Lin*, Yutao Liang, Guansheng Fan, Mingbo Liu. Distributed Risk-Averse Approximate Dynamic Programming Algorithm for Stochastic Economic Dispatch of Power System with Multiple Offshore Wind Farms. CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems, 2023, Early Access, DOI: 10.17775/CSEEJPES.2022.03890
[15] Wanbin Liu, Shunjiang Lin*, Yuerong Yang, Mingbo Liu, Qifeng Li. Identification of the worst-case static voltage stability margin interval of AC/DC power system considering uncertainty of renewables. CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems, May 2024, 10(3): 974-987. (SCI收录)
[16] Xiangyong Feng, Shunjiang Lin*, Yutao Liang, Xin Lai, Mingbo Liu. Coordinated risk-averse distributionally robust optimization for maintenance and generation schedules of offshore wind farm cluster. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, August 2024, 159, 109993. (SCI收录)
[17] Yue Pan, Shunjiang Lin*, Weikun Liang, Xiangyong Feng, Xuan Sheng, Mingbo Liu. Stochastic Optimal Dispatch of offshore-onshore Integrated Energy System based on improved state space approximate dynamic programming. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, January 2024, 155, 109661. (SCI收录)
[18] Ziqing Yang, Shunjiang Lin*, Yuerong Yang, Shiyuan Chen, Mingbo Liu. Small-Signal Stability Constrained Optimal Power Flow of Power System with DFIGs Considering Wind Power Uncertainties. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, December 2023, 154, 109467. (SCI收录)
[19] Yutao Liang, Shunjiang Lin*, Xiangyong Feng, Mingbo Liu, Lei Su, Binrui Zhang. Optimal resilience enhancement dispatch of power system with multiple offshore wind farms considering the uncertain typhoon parameters. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, November 2023, 153, 109337. (SCI收录)
[20] Qiong Wang, Shunjiang Lin*, Yuerong Yang, Wanbin Liu, Ziqing Yang, Mingbo Liu. Distributed bi-level optimal power flow calculation for SVSM interval of integrated transmission and distribution networks considering the uncertain renewables. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, October 2023, 152, 109276. (SCI收录)
[21] Shunjiang Lin, Xuan Sheng, Yuquan Xie, Yanghua Liu, Mingbo Liu. An uncertain optimal energy flow model for CCHP campus microgrid using parameterized probability boxes. Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy, September 2023, 11(5):1618-1633. (SCI收录)
[22] Xiangyong Feng, Shunjiang Lin*, Wanbin Liu, Weikun Liang, Mingbo Liu. Distributionally Robust Optimal Dispatch of Offshore Wind Farm Cluster Connected by VSC-MTDC Considering Wind Speed Correlation. CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems, May 2023, 9(3): 1021-1035. (SCI收录)
[23] Jie Liu, Shunjiang Lin*, Sen He, Wanbin Liu, Mingbo Liu. Multi-Objective Optimal Dispatch of Mobile Energy Storage Vehicles in Active Distribution Networks. IEEE Systems Journal, MARCH 2023, 17(1): 804-815. (SCI收录)
[24] Qiong Wang, Shunjiang Lin*, H. B. Gooi, Yuerong Yang, Wanbin Liu, Mingbo Liu. Calculation of static voltage stability margin under N-1 contingency based on holomorphic embedding and Pade approximation methods. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, November 2022, Volume 142, 108358. (SCI收录)
[25] Weikun Liang, Shunjiang Lin*, Mingbo Liu, Qiong Wang, Yuquan Xie, Xuan Sheng. Stochastic Economic Dispatch of Regional Integrated Energy System Considering the Pipeline Dynamics Using Improved Approximate Dynamic Programming. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, October 2022, Volume 141, 108190. (SCI收录)
[26] Yuquan Xie, Shunjiang Lin*, Weikun Liang, Yuerong Yang, Mingbo Liu. An Interval Probabilistic Energy Flow Calculation Method for CCHP Campus Microgrids. IEEE Systems Journal, Dec. 2022, 16(4):6219-6230. (SCI收录)
[27] Guansheng Fan, Shunjiang Lin*, Xiangyong Feng, Qiong Wang, Mingbo Liu. Stochastic Economic Dispatch of Integrated Transmission and Distribution Networks using Distributed Approximate Dynamic Programming. IEEE Systems Journal, Dec. 2022, 16(4):5985-5996. (SCI收录)
[28] Shunjiang Lin, Hui Wu, Jie Liu, etal. A Solution Method for Many-Objective Security Constrained Unit Commitment considering Flexibility. Frontiers in Energy Research, section Smart Grids, 11 May 2022, 10, 1-14. https://doi.org/10.3389/fenrg.2022.857520 (SCI收录)
[29] Qiong Wang, Shunjiang Lin*, Yuerong Yang, Mingbo Liu. A decomposition and coordination algorithm for SVSM interval of integrated transmission and distribution networks considering the uncertainty of renewable energy. International Journal Electrical Power and Energy Systems, March 2022, 136,107761. (SCI收录)
[30] Zhiqiang Tang, Shunjiang Lin*, Weikun Liang, etal. Optimal dispatch of integrated energy campus microgrids considering the time-delay of pipelines. IEEE Access, 2020, 8: 178782-178795. (SCI收录)
[31] Yuquan Xie, Shunjiang Lin*, Weikun Liang, etal. Interval probabilistic energy flow calculation of CCHP campus microgrid considering interval uncertainties of distribution parameters. IEEE Access, 2020, 8: 141358-141372. (SCI收录)
[32] Shunjiang Lin, Guansheng Fan, Ganyang Jian, Mingbo Liu. Stochastic economic dispatch of power system with multiple wind farms and pumped-storage hydro stations using approximate dynamic programming. IET Renewable Power Generation, 2020, 14(13):2507-2516. (SCI收录)
[33] Yuerong Yang, Shunjiang Lin*, Qiong Wang, Yuquan Xie, Mingbo Liu. Multi-objective optimal control approach for static voltage stability of power system considering interval uncertainty of the wind farm output. IEEE Access, 2020, 8:119221-119235. (SCI收录)
[34] Shunjiang Lin, Yuerong Yang, Mingbo Liu, Yuquan Xie, Yuan Lu. Static voltage stability margin calculation of power systems with high wind power penetration based on interval optimization method. IET Renewable Power Generation, 2020, 14(10):1728-1737. (SCI收录)
[35] Shunjiang Lin, Yuan Lu, Mingbo Liu, Yuerong Yang, Sen He, Hao Jiang. Static voltage stability margin calculation of power systems with high wind power penetration. IET Renewable Power Generation, 2019, 13(8):1391-1401. (SCI收录)
[36] Shunjiang Lin, Yaping Wang, Mingbo Liu, Guansheng Fan, Zhibin Yang, Qifeng Li. Stochastic optimal dispatch of PV/Wind/Diesel/Battery microgrids using state-space approximate dynamic programming. IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, 2019, 13(15):3409-3420. (SCI收录)
[37] Shunjiang Lin, Guansheng Fan, Yuan Lu, etal. A mixed-integer convex programming algorithm for security-constrained unit commitment of power system with 110-kV network and pumped-storage hydro units. Energies, 2019, 12(19), 3646. (SCI收录)
[38] Shunjiang Lin, Zhibin Yang, Guansheng Fan, etal. A Mixed-Integer Second-Order Cone Programming Algorithm for the Optimal Power Distribution of AC-DC Parallel Transmission Channels. Energies, 2019, 12(19), 3605. (SCI收录)
[39] Shunjiang Lin, Sen He, Haipeng Zhang, etal. Robust optimal allocation of decentralized reactive power compensation in three-phase four-wire low-voltage distribution networks considering the uncertainty of photovoltaic generation. Energies, 2019, 12(13), 2479. (SCI收录)
[40] Shunjiang Lin, Mingbo Liu, Qifeng Li, Wentian Lu, Yuan Yan, Cuiping Liu. Normalised Normal Constraint algorithm applied to multi-objective security-constrained optimal generation dispatch of large-scale power systems with wind farms and pumped-storage hydroelectric stations. IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, 2017, 11(6):1539-1548. (SCI收录)
[41] Wentian Lu, Mingbo Liu, Shunjiang Lin, Licheng Li. Incremental-oriented ADMM for Distributed Optimal Power Flow with Discrete Variables in Distribution Networks. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2019, 10(6):6320-6331. (SCI收录)
[42] Wentian Lu, Mingbo Liu, Shunjiang Lin, Licheng Li. Fully Decentralized Optimal Power Flow of Multi-area Interconnected Power Systems Based on Distributed Interior Point Method. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2018, 33(1):901-910. (SCI收录)
[43] Qifeng Li, Liuqing Yang, Shunjiang Lin. Coordination Strategy for Decentralized Reactive Power Optimization Based on a Probing Mechanism. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2015, 30(2):555-562. (SCI收录)
[44] Zhuoming Deng, Mingbo Liu, Yifeng Ouyang, Shunjiang Lin, Min Xie. Multi-Objective Mixed-Integer Dynamic Optimization Method Applied to Optimal Allocation of Dynamic Var Sources of Power Systems. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2018, 33(2): 1683-1697. (SCI收录)
[45] Chao Sun, Yun Liu, Yuanzheng Li, Shunjiang Lin, Hoay Beng Gooi, Jizhong Zhu. Network-aware P2P multi-energy trading in decentralized electric-heat systems. Applied Energy, 2023, 345:121298. (SCI收录)
[46] Honglin Chen, Mingbo Liu, Yingqi Liu, Shunjiang Lin, Zhibin Yang. Partial surrogate cuts method for network-constrained optimal scheduling of multi-carrier energy systems with demand response. Energy, 2020, 196: 117119. (SCI收录)
[47] Chong Tang, Mingbo Liu, Min Xie, Ping Dong, Jianquan Zhu, Shunjiang Lin. A single-leader and multiple-follower stackelberg model for the look-ahead dispatch of plug-in electric buses in multiple microgrids. Energy, January 2021, 214:118929. (SCI收录)
[48] Honglin Chen, Mingbo Liu, Ying Cheng, Shunjiang Lin. Modeling of Unit Commitment with AC Power Flow Constraints Through Semi-Continuous Variables. IEEE Access, 2019, 7: 52015–52023. (SCI收录)
[49] Zhilin Lu, Mingbo Liu, Wentian Lu, Shunjiang Lin. Shared-constraint approach for multi-leader multi-follower game of generation companies participating in electricity markets with carbon emission trading mechanism. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022, 350:131424. (SCI收录)
[50] Zhijun Shen, Mingbo Liu, Wentian Lu, Shunjiang Lin. Coordinated decentralized reactive power optimization of multi-area power systems with discrete variables based on the alternating direction method of multipliers and Ward equivalence. International Journal of Electric Power and Energy Systems, 2019, 106:266–273. (SCI收录)
[51] Siyi Zhang, Mingbo Liu, Min Xie, Shunjiang Lin. Two-stage short-term wind power probabilistic prediction using natural gradient boosting combined with neural network. Applied Soft Computing. 2024, 159:111669. (SCI收录)
[1] 林舜江,李欣然,刘杨华,等.考虑负荷动态模型的暂态电压稳定快速判断方法.中国电机工程学报,2009,29(4):14-20. (EI收录)
[2] 林舜江,李欣然,李培强,等.基于实测响应空间的负荷动特性直接综合方法.中国电机工程学报,2006,26(21):36-42. (EI收录)
[3] 盛煊,林舜江*,梁炜焜,等.考虑灵活性的城市综合能源系统区间优化调度.中国电机工程学报,2024,提前发表
[4] 黄庶,林舜江*,刘明波.含风电场和抽水蓄能电站的多目标安全约束动态优化调度.中国电机工程学报,2016,36(1):112-121. (EI收录)
[5] 李欣然,林舜江*,刘杨华,等.基于实测响应空间的负荷动特性分类原理与方法.中国电机工程学报,2006,26(8):39-44. (EI收录)
[6] 简淦杨,刘明波,林舜江.随机动态经济调度问题的存储器建模及近似动态规划算法.中国电机工程学报,2014,34(9):4333-4340. (EI收录)
[7] 陆文甜, 刘明波, 林舜江, 等. 基于分布式内点法的多区域互联电力系统最优潮流分散式求解. 中国电机工程学报, 2016, 36(24):6828-6837. (EI收录)
[8] 林舜江,冯祥勇,梁炜焜,等.新能源电力系统不确定优化调度方法研究现状及展望.电力系统自动化,2024, 48(10):194-215. (EI收录)
[9] 宋雨浓,林舜江*,唐智强,等.基于动态车流的电动汽车充电负荷时空分布概率建模.电力系统自动化,2020,44(23):47-56. (EI收录)
[10] 卢苑,林舜江*,刘明波,等.考虑风电场出力波动区间的电力系统静态电压稳定裕度计算.电力系统自动化,2018,42(8):92-100. (EI收录)
[11] 刘翠平,林舜江*,刘明波,等.应用近似动态规划算法求解安全约束随机动态经济调度.电力系统自动化,2016,40(22):34-42. (EI收录)
[12] 陆文甜,林舜江*,刘明波,等.含风电场的交直流互联电力系统网省协调有功调度优化方法.电力系统自动化,2015,39(7):89-96. (EI收录)
[13] 林舜江,刘明波.暂态电压安全预防控制优化的轨迹灵敏度法.电力系统自动化,2010,34(4):12-17. (EI收录)
[14] 林舜江,李欣然,刘杨华.考虑负荷动态模型的在线小干扰电压稳定指标.电力系统自动化,2008,32(9):25-29. (EI收录)
[15] 林舜江,李欣然,刘杨华,等.电力负荷动特性分类方法研究.电力系统自动化,2005,29(22):33-38. (EI收录)
[16] 王雅平,林舜江*,杨智斌,等.微电网多目标随机动态优化调度算法.电工技术学报, 2018, 33(10):2196-2207.(EI收录)
[17] 杨柳青,林舜江*,刘明波.大电网多目标动态优化调度的解耦算法及并行计算.电工技术学报,2016,31(6):177-186. (EI收录)
[18] 杨柳青,林舜江,刘明波,等.考虑风电接入的大型电力系统多目标动态优化调度.电工技术学报,2014,29(10):286-295. (EI收录)
[19] 梁宇涛,林舜江*,俞晓峰,等.台风天气下含多海上风电场的输配电网分布式韧性恢复调度. 电网技术. 2024,已录用
[20] 梁宇涛,林舜江*,冯祥勇,等.海上风电场交流集电和多端柔直输电并网系统多目标优化规划. 电网技术. 2024,48 (6): 2404-2415. (EI收录)
[21] 潘越,林舜江*,梁炜焜,等.沿海区域综合能源生产单元随机优化调度. 电网技术. 2024,48 (5):1884-1895. (EI收录)
[22] 梁炜焜,林舜江*,刘明波,等.基于供冷/热系统质-量调节的区域综合能源系统动态最优能流计算. 电网技术. 2024,48 (3):1008-1018. (EI收录)
[23] 刘洁,林舜江*,梁炜焜,等.基于高阶马尔可夫链和高斯混合模型的光伏出力短期概率预测.电网技术. 2023,47 (1): 266-274. (EI收录)
[24] 吴悔,林舜江*,范官盛.含风电的高维多目标安全约束机组组合问题的求解方法.电网技术. 2021,45(2):542-551. (EI收录)
[25] 谢煜铨,林舜江*,杨悦荣,等.基于对角加边模型和最优乘子法的冷热电联供园区微网能量流计算.电网技术. 2020,44(6):2271-2280. (EI收录)
[26] 梁俊文,林舜江*,刘明波,等.主动配电网分布式鲁棒优化调度方法.电网技术. 2019,43(4):1336-1344. (EI收录)
[27] 颜远,林舜江*,刘明波. 考虑备用动作约束的含风电场电力系统多目标动态优化调度,电网技术,2018,42(2) :479-486. (EI收录)
[28] 梁俊文,林舜江*,刘明波.主动配电网分布式无功优化控制方法,电网技术,2018,42(1) :230-237. (EI收录)
[29] 杨智斌,林舜江*,王雅平,等.冷热电联供微网能量流的解耦计算方法,电网技术,2017,41(12) :3876-3883. (EI收录)
[30] 张海鹏,林舜江*,刘明波.考虑光伏不确定性的低压配电网分散无功补偿鲁棒优化配置,电网技术,2016,40(12) :3880-3887. (EI收录)
[31] 林舜江,刘明波,徐达,等.广东电网电压调控安全评估系统的开发和在线应用,电网技术,2013,37(11):3151-3158. (EI收录)
[32] 杨银国,林舜江*,欧阳逸风,等.三级电压控制体系下大电网暂态电压安全仿真及其控制策略,电网技术,2013,37(4):1045-1051. (EI收录)
[33] 林舜江,袁康龙,刘明波,等.自动电压控制系统对广东电网静态电压稳定性的影响,电网技术,2012,36(6):102-107. (EI收录)
[34] 张芸峰,林舜江*,杨悦荣,等.考虑新能源高阶不确定性的交直流混联电网静态电压稳定裕度计算,高电压技术,2024,50 (4):1631-1644. (EI收录)
[35] 林舜江,刘明波.N-1故障后系统小干扰电压稳定极限点计算.电力系统保护与控制,2011,39(14):33-39. (EI收录)
[36] 林舜江,刘明波,周欣,等.暂态电压安全紧急切负荷控制优化研究.电力系统保护与控制,2010,38(11):18-24. (EI收录)
[37] 林舜江,唐智强,谢煜铨,等.电—气混合系统安全约束最优能量流的分布式计算,华南理工大学学报(自然科学版),2020,48(7):36-46. (EI收录)
[38] 林舜江,杨智斌,卢苑,等.天然气冷热电联供园区微网能量优化调度,华南理工大学学报(自然科学版),2019,47(3):9-19. (EI收录)
[39] 林舜江,刘明波,刘志文.计及离散控制的交直流电力系统最优潮流计算.华南理工大学学报(自然科学版),2010,38(10):146-152. (EI收录)
[40] 林舜江,刘明波.暂态电压失稳模式主导不稳定平衡点计算.华南理工大学学报(自然科学版),2009,37(11):88-94. (EI收录)
[41] 陆文甜,林舜江,刘明波.远距离交直流并联输电通道联络线的有功优化分配.华南理工大学学报(自然科学版),2017,45(7):16-24. (EI收录)
[42] 林舜江,李欣然,刘杨华,等.负荷动特性综合方法研究.湖南大学学报(自然科学版),2007,34(7):39-43. (EI收录)
[43] 梁梓均,林舜江*,刘明波.一种求解交直流互联电网分布式最优潮流的同步ADMM方法.电力系统保护与控制,2018,46(23):28-36.
[44] 张海鹏,林舜江*,刘明波,等.低压配电网无功补偿及效益评估系统的开发和应用.电力系统保护与控制,2016,44(4):129-136.
[45] 何森,林舜江*,李广凯.含光伏的低压配电网分布式储能多目标优化配置与运行.电工电能新技术,2019,38(3):18-27
[46] 蒋浩,林舜江*,卢艺,等.考虑时间相关性的电动汽车充电站负荷概率建模及场景生成[J].电力建设,2020,41(2):47-57.
[47] 林舜江,李欣然,刘杨华.电力系统电压稳定及负荷对其影响研究现状.电力系统及其自动化学报,2008,20(1):66-74.
[48] 林舜江,李欣然,刘艳阳,等.电力系统综合负荷建模平台的开发.中国电力,2005,38(11):87-91.
[49] 林舜江,李欣然,刘杨华.考虑综合负荷动态模型的小干扰电压稳定研究.电气应用,2009,28(5):24-28
[1] 林舜江,刘明波,著.电力与能源系统优化调度,科学出版社,2023.
[2] 刘明波,林舜江,谢敏,著.电力系统电压稳定分析与控制方法,科学出版社,2017.
[1] 一种基于区间潮流的变电站电压无功控制方法和系统,申请号:201210394184.5,已授权,第一发明人
[2] 具有风电场的交直流互联大电网网省调度方法和系统,申请号:201410021394.9,已授权,第一发明人
[3] 考虑负荷特性的居民配电台区三相不平衡潮流计算方法,申请号:201610383169.9,已授权,第一发明人
[4] 交直流并联输电通道功率优化分配方法和系统,申请号:201510197832.1,已授权,第一发明人
[5] 一种冷热电联供微网能量流的解耦计算方法,申请号:201611260828.6,已授权,第一发明人
[6] 含光伏的低压配电网分布式储能优化配置与运行方法,申请号:2017112722498,已授权,第一发明人
[7] 一种电—气混合系统安全约束最优能量流计算方法,申请号:201910134172.0,已授权,第一发明人
[8] 一种输配系统N-1故障下静态电压稳定裕度计算方法及装置,申请号:202310607199.3,已授权,第一发明人
[9] 海上风电场机组和集电网络的协调规划方法,申请号:202311669229.X,已授权,第一发明人
[10] 一种含110kV等级电网安全约束优化调度方法,申请号:201810345203.2,已授权,第二发明人(学生第一)
[11] 电网短期负荷预测方法和系统,申请号:201410597479.1,已授权,第二发明人
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[2] 2014年度本科教学优秀奖“科技创新优秀指导教师”
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