姓 名
性 别
民 族
张美佳,教授,博士。国家杰出青年获得者,教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”。1997年西北农林科技大学硕士毕业,分配到成都大熊猫繁育研究基地从事大熊猫等野生动物的繁殖生物学的研究工作。2000-2001年在日本九州大学资源与环境学院进行合作研究;2002年考入中国农业大学生物学院攻读博士学位,2005年获理学博士学位,并留校从事科研教学工作。2009年7月-2010年9月在美国杰克逊研究所国际著名生殖生物学家John Eppig院士实验室做访问学者,期间利用基因突变小鼠证实C-型钠肽(NPPC)就是卵母细胞成熟阻滞因子(Science 2010)。长期从事哺乳动物卵母细胞成熟和受精的分子机理的研究,在Science、Cell Mol Life Sci、Endocrinology、Mol Endocrinol、Dev Biol、Mol Human Reprod、J Cell Physiol等期刊上发表论文40多篇。目前主要从事卵母细胞减数分裂恢复调控机制、卵泡发育以及原始卵泡激活的研究工作。讲授生理学。
主要学术成绩:发现颗粒细胞表达的C-型钠肽(CNP/NPPC)就是卵母细胞成熟抑制因子,证实了1935年的推测(Science 2010)。
1997.07-2002.08 成都大熊猫繁育研究基地 助理研究员
2000.10-2001.06 日本九州大学 合作交流研究
2005.07-2019.10 中国农业大学生物学院 教授
2009.07-2010.09 美国杰克逊实验室John Eppig院士实验室 访问学者
2019.11-至今 华南理工大学医学院 教授
1989.09-1994.07 西北农业大学动物医学院 学士
1994.09-1997.06 西北农业大学动物医学院 硕士
2002.09-2005.06 中国农业大学生物学院 博士
1. 1997年获得中华农业科教基金会何康奖学金。
PLoS One编委;
Animal Models and Experimental Medicine,副主编;
序号 项目/课题名称 项目来源 项目类别 起止时间 项目/课题负责人
1 颗粒细胞中CXXC锌指蛋白1(CFP1)在卵泡发育中的作用及分子机理,国家自然科学基金委 面上项目,2020-2021,主持;
2 卵泡微环境以及卵巢病变影响卵母细胞发育成熟的作用和机制研究,科技部重点研发计划重点专项项目,2018-2021,课题负责人;
3 卵母细胞减数分裂,国家自然科学基金委国家杰出青年基金,2015-2019,主持;
4 LH-EGFR信号升高卵丘细胞中钙离子水平的分子机理,国家自然科学基金委面上项目,2018-2021,主持;
5 人类生育力下降机制和防护保存新策略研究,科技部重点研发项目,2017-2020,子课题负责人;
6 决定卵母细胞质量的分子机制,科技部国家重大科学研究计划,2014-2018,子课题负责人;
7 促性腺激素调节C-型钠肽及其受体表达的分子机理,国家自然科学基金委面上项目,2013-2016,主持;
8 雌性生殖细胞减数分裂的分子基础,科技部国家重点基础研究发展计划,2012-2016,课题负责人;
9 NPR2受体的表达调节机理,教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划,2011-2013,主持;
10 心钠肽在输卵管中的表达变化及其对受精的作用和机理,国家自然科学基金委面上项目,2007-2009,主持。
Jing Yang, Yu Zhang, Xiaoting Xu, Jia Li, Feifei Yuan, Shumin Bo, Jie Qiao, Guoliang Xia, Youqiang Su*, Meijia Zhang*. Transforming growth factor-β is involved in maintaining oocyte meiotic arrest by promoting natriuretic peptide type C expression in mouse granulosa cells. Cell Death & Disease 2019, 10:558.
Zhang Y, Yang J, Yang J, Li J, Zhang M. CREB activity is required for epidermal growth factor‐induced mouse cumulus expansion. Mol Reprod Dev. 2019
Yu Zhao, Yu Zhang, Jia Li, Nana Zheng, Xiaoting Xu, Jing Yang , Guoliang Xia and Meijia Zhang*. MAPK3/1 participates in the activation of primordial follicles through mTORC1-KITL signaling. J Cell Physiol 2018 Jan;233(1):226-237.
Nana Kong#, Xiaoting Xu#, Yu Zhang, Yakun Wang, Xiaoqiong Hao, Yu Zhao, Jie Qiao, Guoliang Xia, Meijia Zhang*. Natriuretic peptide type C induces sperm attraction for fertilization in mouse. Sci Rep. 2017 Jan 5;7:39711.
Hao X., Wang Y., Kong N., Zhang Y, Zhao Y, Xia G., Zhang M*. Epidermal growth factor-mobilized intracellular calcium of cumulus cells decreases natriuretic peptide receptor 2 affinity for natriuretic peptide type C and induces oocyte meiotic resumption in the mouse. Biol Reprod. 2016 Aug; 95(2): 45.
Yakun Wang, Xiaoqiong Hao, Jing Yang, Jia Li, Meijia Zhang*. CREB activity is required for luteinizing hormone-induced the expression of EGF-like factors. Mol Reprod Dev. 2016 Dec;83(12):1116-1127.
Zhang Y, Hao X, Xiang X, Wei K, Xia G, Zhang M*. Porcine natriuretic peptide type B (pNPPB) maintains mouse oocyte meiotic arrest via natriuretic peptide receptor 2 (NPR2) in cumulus cells. Mol Reprod Dev. 2014 81(5):462-469.
Wang Y#, Kong N#, Li N, Hao X, Wei K, Xiang X, Xia G, Zhang M*. Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Signaling-dependent Calcium Elevation in Cumulus Cells Is Required for NPR2 Inhibition and Meiotic Resumption in Mouse Oocytes. Endocrinology 2013. 154:3041-3409.
Liu L, Kong N, Xia G, Zhang M*. Molecular control of oocyte meiotic arrest and resumption. Reprod Fertil Dev 2013, 25:463-471.
Lee KB, Zhang M, Sugiura K, Wigglesworth K, Uliasz T, Jaffe LA, Eppig JJ. Hormonal coordination of natriuretic peptide type C and natriuretic peptide receptor 3 expression in mouse granulosa cells. Biol Reprod. 2013, 88:42.
Zhang Meijia*, Guoliang Xia*. Hormonal control of mammalian oocyte meiosis at diplotene stage. Cell Mol Life Sci 2012, 69:1279-1288.
Bian F, Mao G, Guo M, Wang J, Li J, Han Y, Chen X, Zhang M*, Xia G. Gradients of natriuretic peptide precursor A (NPPA) in oviduct and of natriuretic peptide receptor 1 (NPR1) in spermatozoon are involved in mouse sperm chemotaxis and fertilization. J Cell Physiol 2012, 227: 2230-2239.
Wang J, Chen Q, Zhou J, Wen J, Bian F, Li G, Mu X, Han Y, Xia G, Zhang M*. Specific protein kinase C isoforms α and βI are involved in follicle-stimulating hormone-induced mouse follicle-enclosed oocytes meiotic resumption. PLoS One 2012, 7:e45043.
Meng Guo, Hua Zhang, Fenghua Bian, Ge Li, Xinyi Mu, Jing Wen, Guankun Mao, Zhen Teng, Guoliang Xia, Meijia Zhang*. Progesterone down-regulates jagged2 and notch1 expression involved in primordial follicle formation in the mouse ovary. Front Biosci 2012, 4:2731-2744.
Robinson JW#, Zhang M#, Shuhaibar LC, Norris RP, Geerts A, Wunder F, Eppig JJ, Potter LR, Jaffe LA. Luteinizing hormone reduces the activity of the NPR2 guanylyl cyclase in mouse ovarian follicles, contributing to the cyclic GMP decrease that promotes resumption of meiosis in oocytes. Dev Biol 2012, 366:308-316.
Zhang M, Su YQ, Sugiura K, Wigglesworth K, Xia G, Eppig JJ. Estradiol promotes and maintains promotes cumulus cell expression of natriuretic peptide receptor 2 (NPR2) and meiotic arrest in mouse oocytes in vitro. Endocrinology 2011, 152:4377-4385.
Meijia Zhang, You-Qiang Su, Koji Sugiura, Guoliang Xia, John J. Eppig. Granulosa cell ligand NPPC and its receptor NPR2 maintain meiotic arrest in mouse oocytes. Science 2010, 330:366-369.
Xiaofei Wu, Yijing Wang, Guoliang Xia, Meijia Zhang*. Dietary daidzein enhances antiapoptotic effect of 17 beta-Estradiol (E-2) on breast cancer MCF-7 cells. Chinese J Cancer Res 2010, 22:10-16.
Zhang M, Ouyang H, Xia G. The signal pathway of gonadotropins-induced mammalian oocyte meiotic resumption. Mol Human Reprod 2009, 15:399-409.
Jing Wen, Hua Zhang, Ge Li, Guanping Mao, Xiufen Chen, Jianwei Wang, Meng Guo, Xinyi Mu,Hong Ouyang, Meijia Zhang*, Guoliang Xia*. PAR6, a potential marker for the germ cells selected to form primordial follicles in mouse ovary. PLoS One 2009,4:e7372.
Xiaoming Song, Hong Ouyang, Ping Tai, Xiufen Chen, Baoshan Xu, Jun Yan, Guoliang Xia and Meijia Zhang*. Stage-specific expression of lanosterol 14 α-demethylase in mouse oocytes in relation to fertilization and embryo development competence. Asian-Australasian J Anim Sci 2009, 22:319-327.
Hua Zhang, Baoshan Xu, Huirong Xie, Bo Zhou, Hong Ouyang, Gang Ning, Ge Li, Meijia Zhang* and Guoliang Xia*. Lanosterol metabolic product(s) is involved in primordial folliculogenesis and establishment of primordial follicle pool in mouse fetal ovary. Mol Reprod Dev 2009, 76:514-521.
Chao Wang, Baoshan Xu, Bo Zhou, Cheng Zhang, Jie Yang, Hong Ouyang, Gang Ning, Meijia Zhang, Jianzhong Shen, and Guoliang Xia. Reducing CYP51 inhibits FSH-induced resumption of mouse oocyte meiosis in vitro. J. Lipid Res. 2009, 50:2164-2172.
Gang Ning, Hong Ouyang, Songbo Wang, Xiufen Chen, Baoshan Xu, Jiange Yang, Hua Zhang, Meijia Zhang* and Guoliang Xia*. CREB up-regulated CYP51 expression involved in FSH-induced mouse oocyte maturation. Mol Endocrinol 2008, 22:1682-1694.
Xiufen Chen, Bo Zhou, Jun Yan, Baoshan Xu, Ping Tai, Junxia Li, Shiming Peng, Meijia Zhang* and Guoliang Xia*. EGF receptor activation by PKC is necessary for FSH-induced porcine cumulus-oocyte complexes meiotic resumption. J Endocrinol 2008, 197:409-419.
Jiange Yang, Maoyong Fu, Songbo Wang, Xiufen Chen, Gang Ning, Baoshan Xu, Yuzhen Ma, Meijia Zhang, Guoliang Xia. An antisense oligodeoxynucleotide to the LH receptor attenuates FSH-induced oocyte maturation in mice. Asian-Australasian J 2008, 21:972-979.
Baoshan Xu, Chao Wang, Jie Yang, Guanping Mao, Cheng Zhang, Dan Liu, Ping Tai, Bo Zhou, Guoliang Xia* and Meijia Zhang*. Silencing of mouse hepatic lanosterol 14-α demethylase down-regulated plasma low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels by short-term treatment of siRNA. Biol Pharm Bull 2008, 31:1182-1191.
Jun Yan, Bo Zhou, Jie Yang, Ping Tai, Xiufen Chen, Hua Zhang, Meijia Zhang and Guoliang Xia*. Glucose can restitute the impaired effect of acute fasting on mouse ovulation and oocyte maturation. Reprod Fertil Dev 2008, 20:703-712.
Songbo Wang, Gang Ning, Xiufen Chen, Jiange Yang, Hong Ouyang, Hua Zhang, Ping Tai, Xinyi Mu, Bo Zhou, Meijia Zhang, Guoling Xia*. PDE5 modulates oocyte spontaneous maturation via cGMP-cAMP but not cGMP-PKG signaling. Front Biosci 2008, 13:7087-7095.
Jiange Yang, Maoyong Fu, Songbo Wang, Xiufen Chen, Gang Ning, Baoshan Xu, Yuzhen Ma, Meijia Zhang, Guoliang Xia. An antisense oligodeoxynucleotide to the LH receptor attenuates FSH-induced oocyte maturation in mice. Asian-Australasian J 2008, 21:972-979.
Xiaoming Song, Ping Tai, Jun Yan, Baoshan Xu, Xiufen Chen, Hong Ouyang, Meijia Zhang and Guoliang Xia. Expression and regulation of lanosterol 14α-demethylase in mouse embryo and uterus during the peri-implantation period. Reprod Fertil Dev 2008, 20:964-972.
LM Chen, R Hou, ZH Zhang, JS Wang, XR An, YF Chen, HP Zheng, G.L Xia, MJ Zhang*. Electroejaculation and semen characteristics of Asiatic Black bears (Ursus thibetanus). Anim Reprod Sci 2007, 101:358-364.
Zhang M, Xia G, Zhou B, Wang C. Gonadotropin-controlled mammal oocyte meiotic resumption. Front Biosci 2007, 12:282-296.
Fu M, Chen X, Yan J, Lei L, Jin S, Yang J, Song X, Zhang M, Xia G*. Luteinizing hormone receptors expression in cumulus cells closely related to mouse oocyte meiotic maturat Luteinizing hormone receptors expression in cumulus cells closely related to mouse oocyte meiotic maturation. Front Biosci 2007, 12:1804-1813.
Zhang M, Hong H, Zhou B, Jin S, Wang C, Fu M, Wang S, Xia G*.The expression of atrial natriuretic peptide in the oviduct and its functions in pig spermatozoa. J Endocrinol 2006, 189:493-507.
Jin S, Zhang M, Lei L, Wang C, Fu M, Ning G, Xia G*. Meiosis activating sterol (MAS) regulate FSH-induced meiotic resumption of cumulus cell-enclosed porcine oocytes via PKC pathway. Mol Cell Endocrinol 2006, 249:64-70.
M Zhang, Y Tao, B Zhou, H Xie, F Wang, L Lei, L Huo, Q Sun and Xia Guoliang*. Atrial natriuretic peptide inhibits the action of FSH and forskolin in meiotic maturation of pig oocytes via different signaling pathways. J Mol Endocrin 2005, 34: 459-472.
Meijia Zhang, Yong Tao, Guoliang Xia*, Huirong Xie, Haiyan Hong, Fengchao Wang, Lei Lei. Atrial natriuretic peptide negatively regulates follicle-stimulating hormone-induced porcine oocyte maturation and cumulus expansion via cGMP-depentent protein kinase pathway. Theriogenology 2005, 64: 902-916.
Meijia Zhang, Haibo Tang, Guanchen Shen, Bo Zhou, Zhenlong Wu, Zhenxin Peng, Jinguo Zhang, Jun Yan, Guoliang Xia*. Atrial natriuretic peptide induces an acrosome reaction in giant panda spermatozoa and enhances their penetration of salt-stored porcine oocytes. Theriogenology 2005, 64:1297-1308.
Tao Y, Zhang MJ, Hong HY, Xia GL*. Regulation between nitricoxide and MAPK signal transduction in mammals. Prog Nat Sci 2005, 15:1-9.
Tao Y, Fu Z, Zhang MJ, Le L, Bu SM, Xia GL*. Nitric Oxide influences the meiotic maturation of porcine oocytes cultured in hypoxanthine-supplemented medium. J Anim Physiol Anim Nut 2005, 89:38-44.
Tao Y, Xia GL, Bu SM, Zhou B, Zhang MJ, Wang FC. Nitric Oxide exsers different fuctions on porcine oocytes cultured in different models, which is affected by beta-mercaptoethanol. Asian-Australasian J Anim Sci 2004, 17:317-324.
Tao Y, Fu Z, Zhang MJ, Xia GL, Yang J, Xie HR.. Immunohistochemical localization of inducible and endothelial nitric oxide synthase in porcine ovaries and effects of NO on antrum formation and oocyte meiotic maturation. Mol Cell Endocrin 2004, 222:93-103.
Tao Y, Zhang MJ, Hong HY, Xia GL. Regulation between nitric oxide and MAPK signal transduction in mammals. Prog Nat Sci 2004, 14:1375-1382.
Meijia Zhang, Zhihe Zhang, Rong Hou, Guanghan Li, Jianqiu Yu, Jishan Wang, Guangxin He, Jingchao Lan, Noboru Fujihara. Ultrastructure of “Twin Oocytes”in the ovaries of the giant pandas. J Mammal Ovary Res 2001, 18:48-51.
Liu Haijun, Zhang Meijia, Hou Rong, Zhang Zhihe, Wang Jishan, Lan Jingchao, Qian Jufen, and Zhang Anju. Ultrastructural changes in goat oocytes cryopreserved by OPS vitrification. Dev Reprod Biol 2001, 10:117.
Zhang MJ*, Hou R, Zhang AJ, Zhang ZH, He GX, Li GH, Wang JS, Li SC, Song YF, Chen HW. In vitro maturation of follicular oocytes of the giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca): a case report. Theriogenology 1998, 49:1251-1255.
1. 参编《Development of in Vitro Maturation for Human Oocytes: Natural and Mild Approaches to Clinical Infertility Treatment》,Springer International Publishing AG,2017 (参编其中第三章:卵母细胞减数分裂阻滞与恢复的新机制)。
2. 参编《The Encyclopedia of Reproduction》,Elsevier Inc.,2018,2nd Edition(英文版百科全书中的“卵母细胞减数分裂阻滞”专题)。